Cannabis Injection Experiment

Hi all

I would like to share with you the info I am about obtain. I am going to inject a plant in the main stem using just water. A little background info, I am an x heroin addict and by the grace of god was saved, but still have somm 1cc syringes. I tried to find more on this subject and all i could find was a bunch of ppl too scared to ruin a plant.

Well i am going to start today and i will post later tonight how it went today. I have a good feeling the plant bein used is male but I am more doing this just to see if it will actually work without killing or hurting it.

Any comments welcome,



Well-Known Member
whats the crack midwestgreens try putting like black food dye or nutes in it if its def a male ...any pics of before its injected...

Def bro,

Ok everybody day one trial is complete. I filled up a 1cc syringe 50 units, which is half way, and made three dif injections. The plant was supercropped recently. The first was right next to where i bent it and it went in smoothly with a lil coming out holes in the bend. Next was close to the base, when i tried pushing in the water it didnt budge. I think the needle was clogged so ill try that spot again tomorrow. The last was at the top, once again the water went in smoothly with a lil bit bubblin put of the bended area again.

Altho a lil came out the holes most stayed in.

From what ive seen so far, the base is to dense but the top can be injected. But only time will tell if it benefits

More to come :)
Hey man

I can get pics on here but gotta borro a camera and its too late for a before shot but ill to get a pic and there is still a chance its female but probably not

By the way. The setup is four plants organicly grown under 2 150 w hps, 2 54 w t5, and 2 40 w t12 floros. I use too many dif nutes to mention.



Well-Known Member
theres a nice bit of light for them ...any ideas on the strain ? and crazy question but ive always shit weather is it sunny were you are cause it is here for a change....peace

They were good bagseed but out of the four one is an obvious indica being not even a foot tall but very very thick. Then there is one, i believe it to be sativa, growing out of control but i still believe it to be female, its also bein lst`ed. Then another bushy semi tall plant i think is female. And finally the male.

And i just got hit by the worst blizzard in years with 15 inches of snow. But sunny now

Hey everybody day 2

Well before i injected my plant today I inspected it quickly and saw that out of my three injection spots only one was visible today with a lil brown speck the other two were not. The plants health has not deteriorated since yesterday.

I once again started by filling the syringe with 50 units of sterile water. Did the same as yesterday first inserting it near the top above the supercrop bend. Injected 20 units and was suprised to see that it went in smoothly and none bubbled out the bend below. The bend must be healing. I tried once again to hit near the base but it didnt budge and i know for a fact the needle wasnt clogged. I put the last thirty right below the bend as saw a lil bubble out.

So from what I saw today injecting in the top works but you must use small amounts in order not to burst the plant open. In my case there is somewhre for the water to escape if need be but with a normal plant thats not the case. I think that there may be practical use with needles, using nutes of other additives that are used once monthly, could potentially make them more potent and faster acting.

Please no one go shooting there plants up yet :) this is just an idea

More to come

Glad you like it :) if you want to check out im starting a thread about easy isomerization for beginners Well some bad news my friends the plant finally showed his balls so i had him terminated. But after a few days i got the balls myself to stick one of my girls. I used only 20 units in fear of fucking her up. Only one injection site this time and it took quite a bit of pressure to inject. Id say almost half the water came right bak out. From what ive seen so far in this is that the water must have an exit. I think that recently supercropped plants can be injected. Cuz of the exit holes at the bend. Who knows maybe injecting can have its benefits still but i have no males left for awhile. In two months ill start a new grow and the experiment will resume. So this is the end for now...

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I've heard of people giving nitrogen injections to plants for increased yeilds but I'm thinking that injecting a plant with water would only dilute the fluid already in the stems. I have made cuts recently that have spat red fluid out when I've topped or pinched them. Does anyone else know about this shit? I googled it and couldn't find anything about it. I would be interested in what compounds could be IV fed to plants at different stages to boost growth/flowering.