Cannabis Market Leads to China

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member

Cannabis Market Leads to China

The medical cannabis market leads to China, thanks to patents relating to the drug which are held by companies there. According to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) statistics, at least 309 of the total 606 patents filed worldwide relating to cannabis originate with Chinese firms. With legalization progressing in countries across the globe, including parts of the United States (US) and South America, medical cannabis will be a market that is going to take off exponentially. Chinese firms are already ahead in the race to take advantage and profit from the loosening of legal barriers.

In December, Uruguay became the first country to completely legalize marijuana. It is a move that is also being considered in Peru. Members of the Peruvian National Drug Control Commission have suggested that decriminalization of the relatively less dangerous drug would represent a policy improvement which would move away from repeating the political mistakes of the past with respect to drug policy. That attitude is not only gaining momentum in Peru, but in many countries. With the decriminalization of Marijuana for recreational use in a few US states, a similar movement is underway. Without a doubt, the financial gains being make from that market’s emergence in Colorado will provide significant incentive for similar moves to be made across the rest of the country.

The legalization of recreational use is one of the things that will lead to the medical patents in China relating to cannabis becoming widely available on the market. There is already considerable interest in Eastern medicine and remedies both in the US and worldwide. Herbal and homeopathic remedies featuring cannabis will have a ready-made consumer base once the issue of legality is resolved. Without having to invest in developing the remedies into prescription drugs. China has a significant head start in bringing those type of products to the global marketplace.

China not only has the patents, but they have the product. China produces more industrial hemp than almost anyone in the world. Though lower in the psychoactive THC, medicinal applications are largely unaffected. With the supply and a growing demand, China is ready to lead the way to becoming the world’s cannabis connection.

While considerable medical research has been done in the United Kingdom (UK) on cannabis, the laws there have restricted the ability to capitalize on the knowledge. Though prescribed marijuana can be used in the UK, it has been made so expensive that it is not a feasible venture there yet. Jamaica, however, announced the formation of a company specializing in medical marijuana in December called MediCanja. Representatives of the company believe that the potential to become a key supplier for the Caribbean and Latin American market could prove to be an important contributor to the rejuvenation of the Jamaican economy.

Recent findings by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) suggest that cannabis has been somewhat successful in treating certain forms of cancer. With medical research continuing to reveal more and more beneficial applications, there is growing impetus for the nationwide legalization of cannabis in the US. Many people feel that it is just a matter of time. While American companies are scrambling even now to position themselves to take advantage of this trend, it seems clear that China leads the way in the growing cannabis market for the time being.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
why is this in the Michigan forum?

Cuz when I get like 10+likes on posts it makes me realize people here want to be informed conscious and awake......

k hey-Zeus ?

Seems like many here read these and punch 'like' so I figure they want to be informed......

besides imo I think all this stuff is relevant to everyone here in michigan as it has affects on us all.....well most of us in here

not sure why you would be offended to see the big picture ......??

or is it taking up space you need to ask questions on growing?

i see you have 8000+ posts you should be able to grow by now unless all thse are asking questions and I feel you may have more by your reply.......?

i post to stay conscious and aware of what's happening in the cannabis world news and I would hope it helps my fellows here in the mitten to understand the big picture

there is a newbie section if your butthurt-

or what what would you like to see posted.......?

you think posts about giant mega multi national corporations co-opting our rights and abilities may not be relevant?

--mayb it will be to you once they take over here--

mayb if you want more michigan news there are other sites that focus strictly on michigan rules .....what you can't do and stuff like that......

i thought this this was 'open' forum


Guess you you killed the messenger before you read the message....?

mayb you missed the part that says>. " at least 309 of the total 606 patents filed worldwide relating to cannabis originate with Chinese firms."

not to be smarmy or anything but just skim past it if you don't like to read.....that's what I do when I'm not interested in someone's post
So, why is this on the Michigan Forum? Why not take the time to enlighten everyone, instead of hiding the truth away in our little corner of the interwebz...


Well-Known Member
why is this in the Michigan forum?
Why is it every time I see a random joc post it's always knocking something completely innocuous?

Let me go ahead and tackle this one by the matters because we're all part of this planet called earth and it's interesting to boot. Anytime jonny can help you sort out complicated matters such as this, you don't hesitate to ring my bell.


Well-Known Member
So, why is this on the Michigan Forum? Why not take the time to enlighten everyone, instead of hiding the truth away in our little corner of the interwebz...
I'll bust out the crayons and connect the dots for you .....

The article relates to patenting weed. State congress just passed a bill opening the doors for big corporations to manufacture and sell weed here in Michigan. The people that participate in the Michigan forum grow, and often times sell weed. Can you see the relevance??? Plus it's an interesting article. Feel free to skip over the thread next time.


Well-Known Member
It's in the Michigan thread because it's news that ultimately affects us all, in one way or another. I'm glad to be informed:)