Cannabis muffins


Hello everyone, Im sure that some kind of a thread is allready existing here, but if would like to ask many thing over. I got an idea of making some muffins with weed. But I have no idea how should I make those... Do I have to make cannabis butter first or something else? And could someone teach my step-by-step how to do it. And is it's effect some kind of different from just smoking it? Is it worth it? I thought to make muffins for 4 people out of 5g, is it enought, or cold I do from less? Or is there something better, more efficient and easyer to to than muffins? Best of all, W


Well-Known Member
Make cannabutter

Make muffins

I use, per serving:
~1+g trim/commercial grade flower
~.75g better flowers
.3g hash/kief depending on quality

Do the math, 1+g trim/serving x 12servings/batch of treats(1/4lb butter) = ~48g trim/lb butter

I actually just throw in an even 2oz usually.

My current treats are rice krispies(easiest), cookies(worst tasting), fudge(strongest), and banana bread(best tasting)

Aside from the fudge being a bit stronger, the rest are all about equal potency. And I used 1/4lb butter each, out of the same batch. 12 servings, I usually only eat 1/2 at a time because I just like to smoke lol.


Hi Mike,
Great oatmeal chocolate chip muffins recipe and thanks for sharing with everyone, Oatmeal is great for health as they are great source of nutrition and helps in losing weight by helping immune system. Oatmeal low cholesterol and prevent from cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and diabetes.


Active Member
something to consider..

i started making my muffins using hemp flour.

home ground hemp seed into flour then used that in a 75/25 mix of regular flour

did whatever you want for flavor.

my fav. apple cinnamon cranberry with honey black pepper added for that anti inflammatory properties from the spices.

plus the omega in the hemp seed only get you healthier and higher :)

george xxx

Active Member
something to consider..

i started making my muffins using hemp flour.

home ground hemp seed into flour then used that in a 75/25 mix of regular flour

did whatever you want for flavor.

my fav. apple cinnamon cranberry with honey black pepper added for that anti inflammatory properties from the spices.

plus the omega in the hemp seed only get you healthier and higher :)

Sounds interesting.
Is there any particular variety of seed best suited for grinding to flour?