Cannabis Not Flowering!! :(


Well-Known Member
Should I not water for the next 24 hours? I didn't water it at all today.

And sadly the bud sites are now going limp. In about an hour when i bring her in, I'll check the holes at the bottom of the pot to see how wet the soil is down there.

the best way to check and see if ur plants need to be watered is to get to kno the weight of the pots... lift them up, really try to get an exact feel for how much they weigh after u water, before u water and inbetween... eventually u can tell exactly when ur plants need to get watered by their weight alone.


Active Member
you water/feed your plant too much
it's burnt from a nitrogen abundance
it's drowning from a water abundance
it cannot take in any more water to be able to dump salts
your growth PERIOD is stunted if not stopped
also, regardless of photo period, a plant so rich in sativa genetics is likely to not flower until that n abundance is cleared up - just the same as some indicas can be forced to >auto> with a phospherous abundance over a prolonged period
2 tbsp of cane sugar per gallon of water next time you water

also 2 inches dry to water works SWELL in 1 gallon containers
4-6 inches is closer in soil and then that depends on your air movement/RH
you should get a pot
go to your dry unused dirt
fill your container with dirt
go to your flower room, taking container with you
pick up the pot that plant is in
set it down
pick up the dirt only pot
set it down
when your plant is VERY near the weight of the dirt only pot, then water


Well-Known Member
well she definatley looks sick and im guessig thats why she wont flower but your shit aint supposed to look like a willow tree
So far it looks like only 50% of you were right. And that's a good thing, considering the lack if info i provided and shitty quality picks.

So what I found out is, she's UNDERWATERED and her night cycle WAS being interrupted.

Since adjusting things her leaves have perked and her slump as ceased to exist.
well she definatley looks sick and im guessig thats why she wont flower but your shit aint supposed to look like a willow tree

This post didn't help at all. You either said something already has or you simply gave some trivial info. If you're not going to bother to read up on the thread and just simply skim it/look at the pictures, then please don't bother to make a reply. I'm looking for serious people to help, not criticize. Although I'm not close minded to criticism, it's just that this thread was specifically created to gather as much info as I could so that I could help my plant.
you water/feed your plant too much
it's burnt from a nitrogen abundance
it's drowning from a water abundance
it cannot take in any more water to be able to dump salts
your growth PERIOD is stunted if not stopped
also, regardless of photo period, a plant so rich in sativa genetics is likely to not flower until that n abundance is cleared up - just the same as some indicas can be forced to >auto> with a phospherous abundance over a prolonged period
2 tbsp of cane sugar per gallon of water next time you water

also 2 inches dry to water works SWELL in 1 gallon containers
4-6 inches is closer in soil and then that depends on your air movement/RH
you should get a pot
go to your dry unused dirt
fill your container with dirt
go to your flower room, taking container with you
pick up the pot that plant is in
set it down
pick up the dirt only pot
set it down
when your plant is VERY near the weight of the dirt only pot, then water

I now know the difference between a dry pot as opposed to a wet one. Thank you!
the best way to check and see if ur plants need to be watered is to get to kno the weight of the pots... lift them up, really try to get an exact feel for how much they weigh after u water, before u water and inbetween... eventually u can tell exactly when ur plants need to get watered by their weight alone.

This was very helpful.
So I have another grow going. I clipped her head and now she sprouted a second one. It's an amazing, and yes I know common, technique that I picked up a couple months back. Compared to the towering and reviving mom at her side, she's about half size.. however she is a lush green with fat leaves. Her style of leaf is different from the Sativa I have so I'm guessing it's an Indica.

Should I post pictures?


Well-Known Member
Technically there is no 'feeding' at all besides water. Anything that is to high or to low is simply because of what was in the soil to begin with.

I need some tips on how to balance things out. But how can I even get those tips if, specifically, we don't know what's to high or to low?

There's many problems. Like one is that the tips of the leaves are burned. I know that's a sign of something, I just forgot.
It is all signs of nitrogen overage, probably caused by prenuted soil being over watered...don't water til the plant is light like styrofoam


Well-Known Member
No need to get a meter...if it isn't super super light...
A gallon of water weighs 8.5 you want your plant to feel like it has less than a cup of water totally...which is like picking up nothing, compared to when the plants are still wet...MJ likes a nice drought from time to time...that is why when people say can I leave my plant for 3 days...yes you can for sure!


Well-Known Member
So I have another grow going. I clipped her head and now she sprouted a second one. It's an amazing, and yes I know common, technique that I picked up a couple months back. Compared to the towering and reviving mom at her side, she's about half size.. however she is a lush green with fat leaves. Her style of leaf is different from the Sativa I have so I'm guessing it's an Indica.

Should I post pictures?

And uhhh, a clone of a plant is the exact same plant as the plant you took it from...and of course it grew 2 where you removed one..If you remove those 2 they will each grow 2 and you'll have 4...and then you can remove each of those 4 and get on and so forth...topping and training will always get a better yield than letting it go all coney for real..I got super lazy and didn't train any of the plants the way I normally do, and they all grew au natural and the yield was easily half what it usually is...needless to say, I will never ever grow without taking the time to train the plants...


Well-Known Member
This post didn't help at all. You either said something already has or you simply gave some trivial info. If you're not going to bother to read up on the thread and just simply skim it/look at the pictures, then please don't bother to make a reply. I'm looking for serious people to help, not criticize. Although I'm not close minded to criticism, it's just that this thread was specifically created to gather as much info as I could so that I could help my plant.
sorry thrasher you right and my bad but yes it seems everybody is telling you the same thing but it looks to me like its root bound but im not there to see it


Well-Known Member
Well that one looks better than the other one for sure...I like a shorter bushier plant myself, but it is nice and green and healthy looking..

Ruderalis Ryan

Active Member
I'm no pro but it looks like you are over watering and feeding too much nutes, wait until the surface soil (1 inch deep) is dry then water. Just ease off the nutes for a little while and dilute plenty when you start them up again.
Best of luck!