I am just confused somehow because of my experiences.
When I was in Brazil people just directly fried the weed in butter and made sweets out of it which made you quite high. But decarbing carefully and then the double pot method for 4 hours in these times of gas prices or electricity prices seems more complicated.
So if you all have tried both ways and at the end came to the conclusion that the decarb first and two pot method is better than the direct frying than of course I will stick to that.
I just remember in Brazil it was straight into the butter then they put a special condensed milk on top and cocoa powder and it was the simplest edible that made you quite high
Since your in Germany use Hash.
Decarb 240 F (115 C) for 40 minutes uncovered. Crumble and decompress the block Hash first.
5 grams decarbed Hash
1 tablespoon Coconut oil (15ml)
1/2 teaspoon Lecithin (2.5ml)
Heat 220 F (104 C) for 20 minutes
Finished oil
Buds 1 drop = 1mg of THC
Kief-Hash 1 drop = 3mg of THC.
Triple batch.
15 grams of 220 micron dry ice Kief
3 tablespoons (45ml) Coconut oil (hits fastest)
2 teaspoons (10ml) Lecithin (strength enhancer)
I'll get 90 single zero capsules from this dish.
The coffee mug heater keeps the oil hot and flowing well in an eyedropper.
This is extremely potent and will have you crying on the floor if you take to much.
3 drops of finished oil will be 10mg of THC and a good place to start.
Take 10mg
Wait 2 full hours
If not stoned
Take 20mg more
Wait 2 more hours
If not
Eat 40mg more
if not.
Keep doubling and waiting between doses until your hammered out of your mind.

My wife is blasted on just 5mg of this while I take 75mg everyday for breakfast.