Cannabis use may cause heart attacks: Peer reviewed study

I read the article and the beginning of the actual study page, I might hypothesize another idea.

What if the people that use cannabis also tend to do other things that don’t help with heart conditions. Like eating fast food/junk food, perhaps less exercise and the possibly of smoking cigarettes or drug use.

I know in the abstract of the study they mention taking into account lifestyle and comorbidity factors. But really I’m curious how they did that accurately.

When the people doing the study make up the methods for reaching the results they are focused on reaching its not hard to get the outcome you want......

Just a thought.
That's why peer reviewed research depends on reproduceability. I hope we are going to start seeing that. That's when the flaws in the method really surface. Good thinking TC!
Well damn, guess I should be 20 years dead by now! My Doc always says my lungs sound clear as can be! If drinking didn't kill me, I'm not gonna worry about my cannabis. Since I have given up all my other vices, I'll just take my chances! Thanks for the heads up anyway...
We are all going to die of something, no one gets outta this place alive, so pick your poison babe :hug:

I figure all things in moderation.
As a daily smoker, it’s really easy to go through that much without making edibles. 8oz a month = 2 oz a week = just over 2 1/8th’s a day…..people that smoke cigarettes are getting more smoke
As a daily smoker, it’s really easy to go through that much without making edibles. 8oz a month = 2 oz a week = just over 2 1/8th’s a day…..people that smoke cigarettes are getting more smoke

The absolute most I ever got up to smoking was an OZ a week while looking for scraps come Friday… if I really pushed it I guess I could have done 2 oz a week.

My lungs were fekked back then from too much smoke. Would have been better to vape it.
I have started to press a lot more, but then my consumption really goes through the roof. I quit cigarettes and alcohol a couple years ago too, so like @curious2garden said, pick your poison. No soda or coffee for me either
Well. Anything that accelerates the heart rate significantly, is considered a risk. So my dabs are are prolly a risk in itself because the rush I get after my first hit after a few hours dry.
Or even a really good bong load of some primo. But I can say the same for mountain bikers or lion tamers. That’s prolly not healthy for the heart either.

But not big news. Since cannabis is the big talk of the new worlds. Consider this the first stab at pot. Next they prolly link marijuana to cancer or some dumb shit. Not even considering the variables at hand.
These studies did not reveal anything new. We all knew that there were very few health benefits to cannabis use. The fact is that no one who uses cannabis leads a completely healthy life and it all affects the state of health. Including the health of the heart. Do you agree with me? I personally eat a lot of fatty or junk food, I don't do sports and it messes up my health a lot. Probably even more than using cannabis. Sometimes I read different medical articles and it seems like I'm very sick) let's just relax
There's a "silver lining" in a massive coronary, compared to the way I've seen other people go out, the lingering, pain and suffering. I'd choose the the big, KAPOW! Over in one feld swoop.
But on the other side, my grandmother always ate the right foods and was a master swimmer, and she died very early. I want to say that she also did not drink or smoke. Maybe health also depends not on lifestyle but on the reserves in our body. By the way, I read about our body's reserves and the benefits and harms of cannabis on medicalbrandnames
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Cannabis can be a cause of heart attack if a user has pre-condition of heart issues. You must consult first with a medical expert before consuming weed tho. It may benefit in the medical but consumption of marijuana should be used in proper and good moderation.