Got the plants in the ground yesterday. I just brought them outside when my stepdaughter decides she wants a paddle board. Her and my wife were looking for one the past few days. She finds one in New Jersey, about 4 hrs from us. So we slapped the plants in and headed out. It felt rushed, and like I didn't have any time to decide where anything went. After starting and caring for all these outdoor beauties, and being outside every day building and digging, you'd think I would have a general idea where I wanted everything to go. Not so
I tend to put my head down and just focus on what I'm doing. All that bs aside, I think it came out OK so far. Wife helped me get everything into the beds before we left.
2x freeze 7 @bigbudman413
2x mother of berry @justANobody
Starlite daydream
Pineapple express Fastbuds
Mocha berry COPA
Icy Grape x rainbow belts
I put my stretchy chernobyl I saved off to the side, just to see how crazy it gets.
I also have 2 autos up front that won't be under the plastic I haven't even begun to put up yet. They should finish by late August. Not too impressed with them so far.
Queens banner @Kyleromero94
Otto orange x chunkadelic
I also have a tester from COPA. I received them what I consider late in the season to be starting beans. Especially for regs. They gave me 6, and I popped all 6. I'll keep them inside until I can sex them. I left one bed open for whichever one looks the most promising.
Time to give them a transplant

I tossed one that didn't like to drunk
Working on the cucumber tunnel this week. Got all my plants in, Cucumbers were started too early and fizzled out