Cannabiscrusader's outdoor 20twenty4

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Slow and steady. I did more tonight, but it was too dark for a picture. Only 5 more beds to level up now, and I dug out most of the slope and relocated the dirt. I think I'm going to go find big logs in the woods to build the cucumber tunnel.

Picture from last night

Things are starting to take shape. I moved some of the fence today and dug up some more grass. Only 2 more beds to level up and ammend. Just in time to let them cook for 2 weeks and put plants out June 1st. Found a few logs out in the trails. I'm debating on splitting them out on the trail then getting them to my car that way. This trail is on family land. I'll get pics when I go out there again.
Moved some more fence, ripped up some more grass. Only 1 bed left to level up. I'll be going out with the wife tomorrow to get more rocks, and find some logs


Burning some branches in the cucumber/tomato/beet bed


To the right of the fire under the thatch mulch. That's the last of the grass I have to rip out. My sons put a bed in. You can see their level of craftsmanship is impeccable.

Forgot the music for this page. I'm sure everyone is just beside themselves.

Digging a ditch, thought it was appropriate. It even works as a chain gang song, I tried it out while digging.

Got the last bed amended, then a storm came rolling through. Thunder echoing through the mountains. Heavy rain, I think it did well to soak everything in. I added 4 more bags each of mushroom compost and composted cow manure.

Last order of business for the beds is to bust up some clay pots I have and mix them in too. When researching the soil of the amazon,I've read that a lot of clay shards from pottery was found. Researchers are unsure if they were broken on purpose to be put in the soil, or if there was some kind of offering that was buried in them. Or just table scraps, and when it was full, they hucked the whole shebang right in. Whatever the reason, I'm going to slap some in there. It can only help with aeration and giving fungi somewhere to colonize.

Plants are going out may 26th. The Sunday before memorial day. I like to start and end things on Sunday. It's the sabbath, and that's how I keep it holy. Also it's way easier to remember. Doesn't really matter outdoors, but I'm a creature of habit. As are we all.
Got the plants in the ground yesterday. I just brought them outside when my stepdaughter decides she wants a paddle board. Her and my wife were looking for one the past few days. She finds one in New Jersey, about 4 hrs from us. So we slapped the plants in and headed out. It felt rushed, and like I didn't have any time to decide where anything went. After starting and caring for all these outdoor beauties, and being outside every day building and digging, you'd think I would have a general idea where I wanted everything to go. Not so

I tend to put my head down and just focus on what I'm doing. All that bs aside, I think it came out OK so far. Wife helped me get everything into the beds before we left.



2x freeze 7 @bigbudman413
2x mother of berry @justANobody
Starlite daydream @HolyAngel
Pineapple express Fastbuds
Mocha berry COPA
Meltdown @BobBitchen
Icy Grape x rainbow belts @k0rps

I put my stretchy chernobyl I saved off to the side, just to see how crazy it gets.

I also have 2 autos up front that won't be under the plastic I haven't even begun to put up yet. They should finish by late August. Not too impressed with them so far.

Queens banner @Kyleromero94
Otto orange x chunkadelic @MIRedBuds

I also have a tester from COPA. I received them what I consider late in the season to be starting beans. Especially for regs. They gave me 6, and I popped all 6. I'll keep them inside until I can sex them. I left one bed open for whichever one looks the most promising.


Time to give them a transplant

I tossed one that didn't like to drunk


Working on the cucumber tunnel this week. Got all my plants in, Cucumbers were started too early and fizzled out
View attachment 5397215

Autos replaced. Wife also planted the rest of the tomato's, and Beets. Then she gave me a hand planting the guinea pig's Timothy hay on the left.
Planted a bunch of sunflowers too

I'll be collecting rocks to finish the retaining wall, and starting on the overhang for the first two rows of plants this week
Really nice oasis you got going on freaking working harder than me and I'm a landscaper,lol. I know the work that went into that really nice!
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