
Well-Known Member
So I used miracle grow organic potting soil. I was wondering how long I should wait before I begin adding nutes? What is a good brand of nutes to buy?
Not sure if you have gotten your nutes yet but if not.... The sunleaves house of guano pack is good if you want to keep it all organic. And pretty easy to use if you do not mind making teas. You can just top dress and water it in but its much harder to control your feeding that way. Also Dyna Grow (grow and bloom)and Pura Vida (grow and bloom) from Technaflora are good choices to start with.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Rose256: So did you grow it out and it wasn't any good? Did you finish and smoke any?

Sooo, and hate to say it, but I bought 4 separate strains from cannabisseeds and now that the plants are over two feet tall I can confirm that the supposed different strains are actually one single strain. Whether this strain, whatever it is, is any good is the question. I'm going to grow out three females I have and see.

Anyways, I bought some Colored Seed Mixes from Greenhouseseeds and DutchPassion through Attitude. Should have done that first.
Greenhouse has good gentics but I have heard more than one neg story about the colored seeds. Seems the coating may inhibit germination. Most have begun to 'gently' scrap some of the coloring off before germing.


Well-Known Member
I bought a five pack of the GHS colored seeds
I have only started two of the five and have have no problems at all


Well-Known Member
Ya, me too. Do you have any pics? If not, how do they look? Are they lengthy and skinny?
Yes, they are getting too tall and wide and the flowers are developing very slowly, I'm betting it is a 12 weeker... I keep having to kill off plants one at a time, as they are taking up too much room (Got only 2 left from cannabisseeds).


Active Member
Whats the best way to germinate seeds from, i sent them an email asking their recommended method but they said they couldnt answer due to legal reasons.


Well-Known Member
Whats the best way to germinate seeds from, i sent them an email asking their recommended method but they said they couldnt answer due to legal reasons.
Stick them in soil, then water and wait 3 or 4 days. LDO.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are getting too tall and wide and the flowers are developing very slowly, I'm betting it is a 12 weeker... I keep having to kill off plants one at a time, as they are taking up too much room (Got only 2 left from cannabisseeds).
ya i had three to start cat ate one and killed one off for space


I purchased feminized white widow seeds from them and all my plants were males. I hope you have better luck then I did.


well, i purchased WW, ARM, and K2. germinated just fine. all healthy plants. look like what they should. and out of the 12 seed packs about 10 germ. and 6-8 females. Sorry to hear about that Stella420 well at least the seeds were cheap.

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Got 6 seeds from them only germinated 4 up to now. I'v 1 female 1 seed never hacked 2 were males'
germd the other two recently still to young to say.