Cannabliss Going Guerrilla 2007


Well-Known Member
you've done pretty well with the male to female ratio. Can only see 1 male and like 6 female. Plants look very nice and healthy. Any more pics of after the rain or is it still raining there. Here its pissing it down today


Well-Known Member
pissing down here for 3 days to come here, so ill be takin pics next weekend. the difference will be more apparent then.


Well-Known Member
its gonna be raining in ireland for the next good bit and i wanna put my plants outdoors because im going away for 3 weeks. should i leave them in their pots in the swimming pool and let nature take its course or put them in the swimming pool with a tarpaulin over them like a greenhouse and put them on a water drip


Well-Known Member
hey every1, ive got some BAD news today. i went at 12 to check them out, and 4 were missing. 3 northen lights and 1 bagseed. they were dug up using a spade you could tell. my heart sank as i realised what was supposed to be a flying visit was going to be a whole days work.
there were also a few cassualties to the bad weather too, not the big female tho. so me and my pal got our kit together, and began, what turned out to be 4 hours, digging the survivors up.
our total surviving is 12, 4 durban poison, 2 early misty, 1 northen lights, and 5 bagseed. and they are all in 1 plant plots now. so even if 1 or 2 get found, the chances are i will still have some smoke out of this desaster. i now have to walk a total of around 6 miles just to check on them all. remembering, that i had to carry plants to every different plaot, without being seen. but we pulled it off.
im just glad they werent all taken, that would have been awfull.
i have gave a friend of mine (on this forum) 2 of the durbans, so if you see 2 durbans popping up in 1 of the threads, there probably mine

ill not be visiting for a while but when i do ill get some pics for you guys to see how they fair.



that fucking blows

so lucky they didn't take em all, or hurt the others...

now some danky dank nl shows up for sale sometime, fucking get one loaded and start asking questions (lol, no, i joke, i joke)

sorry to hear about the loss really though, but good work on getting the rest of them out of there... can't wait to see pictures of the new plot!


Well-Known Member
hey IAN, ill be keeping my ears open for skunk that im smoking bieng sold around here. but as you well know, ive got some waiting to do.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, i was up at 4 am this morning so i thought id jump on my bike and get a few pics of my plants in there new homes. hows about i start with the bagseeds. as you can see they dont look too healthy, but ithink thats due to the sudden movement. and the beast, well you can see she doesnt look like it has bothered her so much.



Well-Known Member
hear is the beats coz i missed it out by mistake. and then we have the early mistys followed by 1 with a durban and misty and then another durban that i still have hidden. as you know a friend has got 2 durbans so i havent got a pic of them yet, but hopefully ill be going up later today and ill get a few photos of them then. and finally my only remaining northen lights, the bastards, why couldnt they just leave the 1 that i knew was female. oh well, i hope this 1 is, so that i know whos took them when it goes on sale on the streets around here.



New Member
hear is the beats coz i missed it out by mistake. and then we have the early mistys followed by 1 with a durban and misty and then another durban that i still have hidden. as you know a friend has got 2 durbans so i havent got a pic of them yet, but hopefully ill be going up later today and ill get a few photos of them then. and finally my only remaining northen lights, the bastards, why couldnt they just leave the 1 that i knew was female. oh well, i hope this 1 is, so that i know whos took them when it goes on sale on the streets around here.
Don't forget, they won't know the name of the strain. So it'll be most likely marketed as something else. Also, they would have bragged about this to somebody... a little bit of legwork and I'm sure you can find out who it is.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know fdd, but with all of this rain i havent been feeding them the IONIC grow that was being taken once a week. they have went 2 weeks without it now so when the rain dies down for a few days, ill be continuing there feeding regeme.

and skunky ill find out who it is, i dont know when, but i know i will. people round here cant keep there mouth shut for shit.


Active Member
Hey Cannabliss. I have been reading your thread. If you suspect someone knows your spot you gotta move it, most expierenced plant thieves wait and watch for the perfect time to take. Dont set any patterns on your visits and if you can I know guys that invest in Deer Hunting cameras. Sounds wierd but you can get them as cheap as 35 bucks but a good one is around 150. My buddie uses them for hus grows!! Here is a site Scouting cameras from deer cam
With an inexpenisive cam you can atleast know if it is a human making it look like an animal, or an actaul animal, eihter way you at least have eyes on your grow. Most activate with motion so battery power lasts long. Good luck buddy I hope it all works out for you.


New Member
Hey Cannabliss. I have been reading your thread. If you suspect someone knows your spot you gotta move it, most expierenced plant thieves wait and watch for the perfect time to take. Dont set any patterns on your visits and if you can I know guys that invest in Deer Hunting cameras. Sounds wierd but you can get them as cheap as 35 bucks but a good one is around 150. My buddie uses them for hus grows!! Here is a site Scouting cameras from deer cam
With an inexpenisive cam you can atleast know if it is a human making it look like an animal, or an actaul animal, eihter way you at least have eyes on your grow. Most activate with motion so battery power lasts long. Good luck buddy I hope it all works out for you.
There's not too many animals in this part of the world. Could've been a large crow i suppose.


Well-Known Member
i dont think a crow would pull 2 &1/2 foot plants out, would they? and cheers for the heads up FC, but i have already moved them and they are doing just fine in there new homes.


Active Member
if its raining a bunch still, just pick up some fish emulsions yo.

those babies need nitrogen like crazy.

put that shit everywhere its needed and natures water works will take care of the dillution and distribution of it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have fish meal i will add some next visit. along with my IONIC (very weak dosage) im also gonna look into some iron for them a friend has informed me that could help them lots.


Active Member
I was saying the first time you went to visit you said there were paw prints and plant looked like ot was dug by a dog. People are good at making sneaky visits look like animals did it. I do realize your plants were not dug up and eaten by a cow or a crow! hahah lol Glad that the plants are liking there new home hopefully no more visits from peeps,