Cannabutter 1st attempt

here's the block of cannabutter i made, i have just seperated it from the water the consistency of it is like soft butter parts r slightly mushy, do you think this will be edible? opinions please :)cannabutter.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks alrights to me, but it could have been strained better? Looks like there is some mj chunks in there. I made my first batch yesterday in a crock pot, looks like this.



Well-Known Member
You should refine that budder. Looks like you didnt use cheesecloth or some herb fell through.

Boil some water, add budder, turn off heat after butter has melted, stir 15 mins, put in fridge for hours until budder has hardened. This will have gotten rid of some of the impurities. Also, strain through cheesecloth or pantyhose or an old tshirt
used cheese cloth but was a bit too small so some bits got in there, yours looks pukka m8, does ur's smell a bit on the manky side aswell ? i know i certainly wouldnt wanna try mine on a sandwhich like ive read people on other forums doin lol