Cannabutter Question?


Active Member
When making cannabutter does the product have to be top quality? I just harvested my plant and the buds are really sticky and covered in trichs but the smoke is pretty nasty.. I don't like it so I got a bunch of crystally product that sucks. Will it make some good potent butter if I use this? I have more than an ounce.. and if I can use this can someone please give me a link to a good recipe? I want to make some cookies for Christmas! Thanks RIU!


Well-Known Member
it will work fine... the norm is 1lb butter to 1oz some like it stronger some like it less potent. LINK? ummmmmmmm there is one or 2 cookie threads here someplace :)


Well-Known Member
or just go to the market and get a brownie mix that uses 1/2 cup of oil.
That weed will make great eddibles.


Active Member
Ive decided im making rice krispy treats! Is there a recipe for those around here? I might have enough bud to make some cookies and brownies too.. but is there a recipe for the rice krispy treats?


Active Member
Thanks guys! One more question.. does cannabutter taste good? Or does it ruin the butter.. I've eaten a brownie with cannabutter before and it tasted great and ive heard a lot of people say its good but now that ive been doing some research on it some people are saying that is pretty gross.. the brownie I ate didn't really do anything to me at least that I noticed.. I was already high so I just probably didn't notice but now im curious does the shit even taste good? Lol because I think it would be pretty pointless to make a good treat like that and it didnt even taste good.


Well-Known Member
Medicine's sup post to taste bad, but my butter is OK.
I use plenty of water so maybe that helps.
1 pound of butter
6 cups of water
2 ozs of trim.
1 crock pot
6 hrs on high (190*)
big bowl to seperate.