CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge


Well-Known Member

:) .. I just found this video of a lady grown soley under a U.V lamp lol... But at least it proves that UV light does play a part in the growth of cannabis :) and is a useful part of the spectrum to have over your plants.. I'd like'd to have seen how this one turned out! I bet there was under an 8th lol but I bet it was crystally as f*ck !! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

:) .. I just found this video of a lady grown soley under a U.V lamp lol... But at least it proves that UV light does play a part in the growth of cannabis :) and is a useful part of the spectrum to have over your plants.. I'd like'd to have seen how this one turned out! I bet there was under an 8th lol but I bet it was crystally as f*ck !! - STELTHY :leaf:
*saw the cfl tubes.. reptile bulbs have a decent amount of red spectrum :) idea tho


Well-Known Member
I'm a big believer in UV-b. First there is the lab data. Next there are countless anecdotes from very seasoned growers. I tried this and found that the UV likely had a big role increasing potency in some sequential grows. I start the UV when they're still in veg.


Well-Known Member
I'm a big believer in UV-b. First there is the lab data. Next there are countless anecdotes from very seasoned growers. I tried this and found that the UV likely had a big role increasing potency in some sequential grows. I start the UV when they're still in veg.
*if cannabis reacts to its environments (accordingly) like some have stated.. then it wouldnt be too far fetched to introduce uvb expo during all aspects of its growth :)


Well-Known Member
**this is my carb/sugar(s) list i feed my micros :)

-maple syrup
-barley malt
-agave nectar
-raw honey
-brown rice syrup
-stevia extract
-organic sucanat

***sometimes i trade the agave nectar for sugar beet syrup or golden syrup



Well-Known Member
There was an epic (and I mean epic) thread on GrassCity a few years ago. One lab report referenced THC precursor molecules. These were affected by UV-b in young seedlings. This gave credence to using UV-b before flower.


Well-Known Member
u feed ALL that stuff at the same time? Explain the benefits of different processed sugars versus succanat which is mollases but just not processed down as far.

I still waiting for tea recipe sir I WANT PARTY CUP JUICE>
--yup.. all that is gently mixd in r/o @t 113f, then stored in freezer when needed.

...all those sugars i posted are organic.. so its not that "processed" hehe
..sucanat feeds specific type of fungi im using, and molasses feeds the bacteria.. --dr. ingham ;)


Well-Known Member
There was an epic (and I mean epic) thread on GrassCity a few years ago. One lab report referenced THC precursor molecules. These were affected by UV-b in young seedlings. This gave credence to using UV-b before flower.
*i know that thread.. always wondered what happened to it :\ had good info.. cannabis was programmed to work w/ ultra voilet spectrum (imo).. just cant figure out what the THC+ head does when the uv-b is absorbed?.. someone speculated that THC breaks down the uvb wave that enters the 'bulb'..for specific functions.. all this is just pure speculation.. :)


Well-Known Member
Not sure what UV does. Clearly it's not necessary since indoor grown bud can put you on your ass. I would imagine it can affect the THC / CBN ratios. I could also imagine UV may increase any of these compounds. I have never subscribed to theories that resin protects against UV or insects or dessication.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what UV does. Clearly it's not necessary since indoor grown bud can put you on your ass. I would imagine it can affect the THC / CBN ratios. I could also imagine UV may increase any of these compounds. I have never subscribed to theories that resin protects against UV or insects or dessication.
*not sure what uv-b does either :( hopefully someday :)

--nope, no need for it to grow indoors.. thinking of it as an additive of some sorts. lol
----one researcher states that uv-b asorbs some of the wave as stored energy.. for what.. who knows...

--i dont believe cannabis makes resin for pest control... but like i said, no factual scientific data other than (he said, she said).


Well-Known Member
ah i see, well technically even if the sugars are organic they must be processed somehow to turn it into crystal or goop, may not have chemicals in it but they did something to it like boil it down or something, thats all i meant obviously we wouldnt use anything with chems in it, organics baby mmmm

**dont worry, it will be worth the wait good sir, ---*cough..since im doin all the work!!! HAHA.. ya bum.. jk jk