kevin murphy
New Member
interesting thread ill go back and research all the link later and cum back with sum questions for ya it sounds really interesting though excellent thread mate..
*you must be lost murph, you in my neck of the woods.. heheinteresting thread ill go back and research all the link later and cum back with sum questions for ya it sounds really interesting though excellent thread mate..
*sigh.. didnt you get the restraining order murph..? hahaha!no probs mate ill help u out more now hahaha
* i hate you too murph... aawwwww..hahaha no must of not cum in the post never mind ill keep hating u till then hahaha
lol....yea yea your in awe of me and my skills lol..
*you nasty... but now im hungry.. yup, bfast timelol..wat u like to eat apart from ngg arse
* yes indeedy.. hows ur sunday funday hellz? ..waitiing for my coffee crack pot to finish brewing.. muahahaa joy it is lol
*sorry to hear that bro... know what you mean, been thru some of those myself.. keep ur head up, and toke to fight the stress...had a blowout with the misses last night over my oldest girl was pretty bad
*come on.. kids will be kids.. i think we've all had our fair share of emotional outburstyah at 13 shes saying she hates my wife but my wife backs her in a corner and doent give her space, and im soposed to handle it
but I guess im no disiplining her enough