So an update for those who are interested.
I received my Cannazon package but there were a few hiccups in the process. No problem. Shit happens. Not that big of a deal to me but these issues could be to some.
When creating my account on the Cannazon website I naturally used a fake name as I would with nearly any website I sign up. It was pretty silly name like "Indo Johnny". I changed the name in the account to something more appropriate when I noticed this was attached to the shipping address. I also emailed Mr. C to let him know specifically NOT TO SHIP IT TO INDO JOHNNY! He assured me a note has been added to the account and it would be shipped to the appropriate name.
So the package arrived with the name INDO JOHNNY on the envelope.

Talk about discreet. I would be sweating bullets if it was shipped directly to my site and I was not legal. It would really suck to be one of those people. Thankfully I have a trust friend receive all my packages for me.
I read a ton of brown nosing about how AMAZING Mr C's customer service is. I read so much about how hard it is to find your stealth beans. I can't say I received any of that. The customer service was simply average and the beans were easy as fuck to find, blatantly obvious, may as well not have been stealthed at all. A simple dvd case or even beans in a padded envelope would suffice just as well. I was recommended the beans MUST be removed from the original breeder packaging so I agreed but it was pointless in the manner it was shipped.
I will probably only use Cannazon again if they have something I really really really really really really want and can't find anywhere else(last resort). I understand this is not the experience everyone shares, but for me there are many other places that offer better prices and with quicker processing. I can't say I'm compelled to use them again.
TL;DR I received beans taken from the breeder packaging for no apparent reason shipped to the least discreet name in the world. Slow processing, average customer service. Will only use again as a last resort.
My experience. My 2 cents.