Cannibis Invasive?


Do you use Colonial Silver?

That's interesting that the oddball randomness leads to the greatest desired phenotypes.

Is that through inbreeding?

Can you send me a link to breeding because I'm interested in clone breeding with hermaphrodite pollen.

I want to work with:

OG Kush, Sour Diesel and Chemdog.

I've been making colloidal silver for about 10 years and for some reason I never tried using it to reverse any plants. A couple years ago I decided to make fem seeds but used Silver Thoisulphate instead. Hard to source the chemicals needed to make it here in Canada but found the sodium thiosulphate finally from a chem company in Ontario and just made my own silver nitrate from a .9999 silver coin from the post office and some concentrated nitric acid I just happened to have at hand.

So far it's worked on 7/7 plants I've used it on and it's only about 4 - 6 sprays 4 days apart so a lot easier than CS.

That's interesting that the oddball randomness leads to the greatest desired phenotypes.

Is that through inbreeding?

It's not that all the not-so-great looking plants are going to have hidden desired qualities but they shouldn't be casually dismissed as being less desirable than the great looking plants. The trick is to winnow out those qualities and breed them into a plant that has other qualities you might want like high yield, mould resistance, faster flowering times, terpenes, height etc etc. These are the kind of things I'm trying to get better at. Anyone can chuck pollen and make seeds. I'm on my own tho where a lot of breeders have plenty of cohorts to help with choosing which plants out of many to use in the breeding program, sampling the output etc.

Can you send me a link to breeding because I'm interested in clone breeding with hermaphrodite pollen.

I want to work with:

OG Kush, Sour Diesel and Chemdog.

Go to and search for 'cannabis breeding' and you'll have dozens of books to choose from. Lots of grow books there too. Just search 'cannabis' or pot or weed.

A guy from another forum recently sent me some Chocolate Diesel fem pollen and I'm trying to think what to sprout to use it on. I may use it on a couple of plants that have been out in the wife's greenhouse and are now flowering. Two Cherry Noir, each from a different mother, and one called Earth Lover that is supposed to be a high CBD strain but I've yet to have it lab tested. I have lots of that one in the freezer to make into oil soon.

Let’s go toss a handful of regs in your yard.. then hook up a powered intake you your tent from a yard facing window & see if the pollen invades your tent. :bigjoint:

That's no joke here buddy. I just found out there is a whole quarter section of hemp laying in the field not 5 miles from my place! New hemp processing plant going up in the area so there could be many more farmers growing it around here pretty damn soon and that's just freaking me out. Just started growing outdoors 3 years ago and hauled in my crop today as the weather went to shit and snow in the forecast. Like I f'n want pollen blowing around all spring and summer. I already filter air into my main grow room but not good enough to keep pollen out if there's lots about. I'll be needing to upgrade or at least time my grows so I'm only vegging for the 3 months or so that pollen could be in the air. PITA but doable.

I'm just getting into more serious breeding efforts these days too so don't need that shit floating around. big-machine-gun.gif

Cannabis is a naturalized citizen. The real invasive species have 10 fingers. Short brown tattooed fingers that throw up central American gang signs.
i KNEW there was something about you i didn't like...i just couldn't put my fingers on it this whole time i was reading your weird posts. you got some other racist intolerant shit you wanna spout? can't wait to hear what other scientific insight you have on our human condition.
That's no joke here buddy. I just found out there is a whole quarter section of hemp laying in the field not 5 miles from my place! New hemp processing plant going up in the area so there could be many more farmers growing it around here pretty damn soon and that's just freaking me out. Just started growing outdoors 3 years ago and hauled in my crop today as the weather went to shit and snow in the forecast. Like I f'n want pollen blowing around all spring and summer. I already filter air into my main grow room but not good enough to keep pollen out if there's lots about. I'll be needing to upgrade or at least time my grows so I'm only vegging for the 3 months or so that pollen could be in the air. PITA but doable.

I'm just getting into more serious breeding efforts these days too so don't need that shit floating around. View attachment 5199446

I completely understand. I was just foolin with the OP.
I have been getting my feet wet a little playing with fem pollen production, and I’m pretty sure I contaminated the room i have my flower tent in with it. I rather not have to pick through for seed, but considering I am trying to gain some stock to play with.. I wouldn’t be upset if some got onto my banana Kush plant in the 4x4.
Cannabis will naturalize in most of the United States if regular seeds are planted and just left alone for the males to pollinate the females. The plants will die off in the fall but the seeds will sprout the following spring and the cycle will repeat itself. Just like thousands of other plants. I'm in Oregon and I have tomatoes that come back on their own every year from seeds that survive the winter and sprout in the spring/early summer. I've also had cannabis sprout in my garden beds from seeds left in trim from seed runs that I threw in the garden.

These all came up on their own.



Just wondering if Cannibis can become invasive?

Would (outdoor guerilla) ever cause an invasive species of Marijuana?

I would say not so much. I devoted about half my teenage years in the 1970s to looking around weedy vacant lots and undeveloped land for the wild cannabis that was supposed to be growing all over Texas and Oklahoma and I never found a single feral hemp plant. Also I and other hippies tried to play Johnny Appleseed and it didn’t work. We had plenty of bagseed to throw around but the plants must have been removed as soon as they became visible. Cannabis is not like kudzu.
I would say not so much. I devoted about half my teenage years in the 1970s to looking around weedy vacant lots and undeveloped land for the wild cannabis that was supposed to be growing all over Texas and Oklahoma and I never found a single feral hemp plant. Also I and other hippies tried to play Johnny Appleseed and it didn’t work. We had plenty of bagseed to throw around but the plants must have been removed as soon as they became visible. Cannabis is not like kudzu.
We are no longer broadcasting ditch weed from Mexico seeds as idiots in our teens. Forty years later seeds are now grown to area specific conditions. Add the fact that growers are much better at helping plants survive in their yard.

I've had more carry overs than I can believe from a limited pollination 3 years ago. And It is out growing native vegetation.
I completely understand. I was just foolin with the OP.
I have been getting my feet wet a little playing with fem pollen production, and I’m pretty sure I contaminated the room i have my flower tent in with it. I rather not have to pick through for seed, but considering I am trying to gain some stock to play with.. I wouldn’t be upset if some got onto my banana Kush plant in the 4x4.

I had some plants out in the wife's greenhouse all summer and noticed that they were starting to flower so brought them in to the grow room as I only had some little autos all seeded up so if they got a few bugs on them no big deal. A guy sent me some Chocolate Diesel fem pollen a while ago and figured I'd hit them with some of that for fun. Didn't think about the little reversed auto pollen donor sitting there all covered in drying out 'nanners until I'd cleaned up the new additions and set them all up under a 400W Hortilux SHPS.

No f'n way some pollen didn't mange to hit a few flowers at least so that plan had to go.

Two of them are Cherry Noir. A really sweet strain I'm planning to make fem seeds with. A buddy back east sent me 4 clones last year. Two each from two different mothers. So the plan is now to spray them with STS to force flowers, first play 24hrs ago, then use that on the mothers upstairs after I get a few clones off each. Make F1s on one clone each and S2s on another pair. Buddy who sent me the clones and his buddy paid over $500 for the original seeds and the bud sample he sent me has me hot to make seeds from these.

The pollen donor is now sitting in the south facing shop window upstairs as it has quite a few S1 seeds on it and I want those too while the 2 knocked up females remain in the grow room.

I used a pump up 1gal sprayer to soak the while room down as well as I could so by the time I get around to flowering in there again any stray pollen should be dead. Worked for mites. Kept the room a nice 80F for a month with no plants in it to starve the f'ers out. Lot easier than trying to clean up that mess of a room. :)

We are no longer broadcasting ditch weed from Mexico seeds as idiots in our teens.

The Mexican brick pot we used to get in the late 70s in Calgary, Alberta was loaded with sativa seeds that made damn good bud when grown out properly. Down there they grew it like hemp all packed together in the fields then chopped and let dry in the sun. Chopped too early but still messed you up if you smoked lots.

We'd be tossing seeds in all the planters downtown and any flower beds, empty lots etc all over town. There was even a write-up in the Calgary Herald about a 'Mysterious Johnny Potseed' running amok in the city. We were getting kilo bricks for $300 then cleaning the pot and selling lids for $20. People loved it as it was ready to roll like out of a grinder and no exploding joints!

There's nothing but twigs and seeds, twigs and seeds
And they sure don't deliver the punch that this ole head needs. Jesse Winchester 1977

Smoking something similar the first time I heard that on the radio. Dr. Demento Show I believe. :)

The Mexican brick pot we used to get in the late 70s in Calgary, Alberta was loaded with sativa seeds that made damn good bud when grown out properly. Down there they grew it like hemp all packed together in the fields then chopped and let dry in the sun. Chopped too early but still messed you up if you smoked lots.

We'd be tossing seeds in all the planters downtown and any flower beds, empty lots etc all over town. There was even a write-up in the Calgary Herald about a 'Mysterious Johnny Potseed' running amok in the city. We were getting kilo bricks for $300 then cleaning the pot and selling lids for $20. People loved it as it was ready to roll like out of a grinder and no exploding joints!

There's nothing but twigs and seeds, twigs and seeds
And they sure don't deliver the punch that this ole head needs. Jesse Winchester 1977

Smoking something similar the first time I heard that on the radio. Dr. Demento Show I believe. :)


I remember that song!