Cann's First Grow - Aero + Soil with Flouros


Well-Known Member
you can make butter by pouring some water in a pan and heating it up a lil almost to boiling, then add the amount of butter you need to cook with or save or whatever and add the amount of weed or trim you want and boil it together
when you are done, strain the leaves and pour liquid into something like a pan or bowl then place in the fridge to cool. When it is done the water has naturally separated from the buttery oils but the active stuff in the weed is now in suspension with it


Well-Known Member
to do the butane I would suggest lookin threw this site they have some really good steps to do this, and look on youtube
remember, safety is the key here.
but basically you fill a turkey baster up with your weed or trim and on one end is a coffee screen, t shirt or whatever for the screen and the other is a hole the size of a butane nozzle and when you pack the ganja and spray the butane threw you are left with a yellowish boiling liquid. the butane evaporates at room while it's boiling away on the plate or whatever you choose to spray it on, you can place the plate on top of another plat that has warm water in it and will cause the butane to evaporate quicker.then when there's no more butane bubbles left you can scoop it up and heat the item you used to scoop it up with and it will slide off into a small jar or something your using as a container.
good luck and look on youtube and shit, safety is key

both these methods are great. ones just for eatin and gettin fucked and ones for gettin super stonned from smokin


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, so theyve sexed, and all the other plants seem to be female :leaf::bigjoint::leaf:

Here are a bunch of bud shots. They got some fucked up leaves, but i'm not worried. When the lights go on tomorrow im just gonna prune off the fucked up ones. I also need to get some better ventilation cus they look like theyre getting burnt from heat. curling and shit. Anyway, here are the pics.


Let me know what you think...


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, looking good bro. I do the butter process a little different... and the way we do it, we really mean you shouldn't operate ANY kind of heavy machinery or drive at all.... it will FUCK you up! please excuse the language, it is for expression only.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, looking good bro. I do the butter process a little different... and the way we do it, we really mean you shouldn't operate ANY kind of heavy machinery or drive at all.... it will FUCK you up! please excuse the language, it is for expression only.
How do you do your butter method?
And nice lookin plants bro


Well-Known Member
WHITE HAIRS EVERYWHERE. So holy shit, i think i only had two males out of that whole bunch. God damn. Some bad news is that all the plants have some weird looking leaves, like there are only one or two that are perfect. The one in soil is doing really well, and so is the really tall one (you guys prolly dont know which one im talking about lol cus you havent seen recent pics). I'm so fucking excited haha, little buds everywhere. Anyway, yeah ive been super busy lately and they grow so much inbetween each time i see them its ridiculos. Sorry for the rambling im high...



Well-Known Member
Alright so I got some pics today right before the lights went out (the lights went out as i was taking the last pic) and theyre looking sexy. White hairs coming out of everywhere, and one of em has pink hairs??? I dont know but it looks amazing lol. They still got some fucked up leaves, but things seem to be fine so im not gonna fuck with em. Mary is a tough girl, im confident she'll pull through. I havent added nutes in a while for fear that i'm giving em nute burn but if anyone thinks the weird leaves are a deficiency let me know. Anyway, heres some underage bud porn :mrgreen:
P9230725.jpgThe only one in soil, that shits looking amazing.P9230729.jpgHer colaP9230730.jpgLower on her (so many hairs!)P9230731.jpgThis one is kinda hurtin, but still producin budP9230732.jpgTall oneP9230733.jpgSome perspective...P9230734.jpgNice canopy shot...P9230739.jpgBaby colaP9230742.jpgAnotherP9230744.jpgTall one's colaP9230745.jpgPINK HAIRS (I just gave em some foliar spray so thats why its wet)P9230747.jpgLights out...

Sorry about that weird ass format...let me know what you think...

- Cann


Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy, Looks like you two are the only people who read my congrats. And yes they are looking good, too good in fact. Im smoking the last of my stash right now and I want to just run into the room real quick and pick a nug of one of those babies lol. Sooooo tempting...


Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy, Looks like you two are the only people who read my congrats. And yes they are looking good, too good in fact. Im smoking the last of my stash right now and I want to just run into the room real quick and pick a nug of one of those babies lol. Sooooo tempting...
I feel ya, mine are babies though. Had a dream i went and eat them, no preparations, just shoved the little beaotches in ma mouth and gobble gobble motha fucka!
A little bowl wont hurt, sample that shit.


Well-Known Member
haha alright well got some more bud so im no longer tempted to eat them...thank god. I was gettin pretty close to just goin in there and rippin off a cola and smokin that shit. But then i just thought about how if i wait longer its gonna get so much bigger :weed:

Anyway im about to take some pics so that shitll be up. They be lookin so good...


Well-Known Member
Alright so its been FOREVER since i updated this, and ive done alot of shit so i'll try and remember everything.

Okay, so ive been flowering for about a month and a half, and some of the plants had pretty much stopped growing bud and all their hairs had turned brown so i chopped a few, and i'm drying them out right now. The best thing is i could sample it as soon as i chopped it because i have a vape and since it extracts water vapor you can just put wet fresh weed in it and it burns like normal except it takes longer and you can hear it fizzing lol. I have been adding nutes (BMO Flower power and some Dollomite Lime) but there are still some hella messed up leaves. Alot of them have died, so i cut them off, and alot are yellow (some have yellow specks too), but the bud seems to be doing fine. The roots are growing like crazy, and everything is going fairly well (except leaves of course). Ph is around 5.5-6 and temps are anywhere from 60-90. Pics soon maybe if i can get a camera to take them with...comments are appreciated, sorry its been so long ive been super busy.
