Cant clone super silver haze mom please help


Active Member
I have 4 month old ssh mom hydro i cant seem to clone. Ive tried my ez cloner, daisy cloner, and perlite. I followed cutting at diagnol, sterile, root gel,etc. No luck. Is this a hard strain to clone. Should i shorten moms light schedule. I dont want her to bloom unless i get another clone for a mom. i use general hydro and decrease N and increase P,K (bloom formula prior to cuttings). Please help I've never had this problem before and mom starting to get a little big.


New Member
Its the strain imo its like tryin to clone a damn af I have a friend that laet me take 2 clones I put them in my bubblecloner (100% rate) and both were dead within a matter of days. Anyone else have this problem? All I can say is keep trying. After about 16 cuts he has 2 rooted and won't give me one cause he's afraid he can't clone it again lol


Active Member
Flush mom out.
Keep trying with the lower branches. You'll get a clone. Try using beer cups with soil. Stick a pencil unsharpened pencil or something to make a hole and stick a clone in with or without gel. Try dip n grow, it is cheap, has both iba and the other one. Make sure to get clones into water immediately after cutting, or even cut underwater to prevent air bubble in stem. Good luck, it is possible!!!