cant diagnose leaf issues


Active Member
3rd week of flowering, the fan leaves are crisping up, but not the new growth.

im nuting with ionic bloom for soil (was using the hydro one without realising)

im adding epsom salts sparingly to help mg def.

watering is closely monitored with a gauge.

was some heat issues which i have resolved.

any advice welcome. thanks gang.


New Member
Yes you were having some serious heat issues. i am glad you have that resolved now.\
You can't do anything about the crispy old leaves but don't take them off. You will have to grow your plant longer than expected to geta desent crop. It need to revive itself.


Active Member
when I bought nutes from my local grow store it came with a feeding chart and it says that you can use epson salt juring early flowering and late flowering to produce more resin