can't even move my body after last nights mission


Well-Known Member
I visited back today and everything was exactly where I left it, couple bags laying around and my nice set of gloves
were in the same spot. So I cleaned everything up with a trash bag and left the pots filled with the soil to ripen up
to get ready for next months transplant. bring on the season ! also looking into acouple 75$ camo trail cams for each
of my spots considering I already have much invested in this project, miswel be as safe as I can and take all precautions
is that so the cops can have 30 pics of you watering your plants...


Well-Known Member
Ima keep an eye on this thread. Since you're going to go through with this it could prove entertaining. Had 2 girls last season out of a patch that was originally 6 (effin' males). It was in a small forest clearing next to some flat grass lands close to a road. In early June someone had ended up buying the property that was flat and grassy. Plops a double wide trailer smack in the middle of it. And throws a toolshed not more than maybe 40 yards away from my little patch.
Engage ninja stealth mode and come in under full darkness when I needed to feed em. It became an adrenaline thing really. Had to go by moonlight and ended up switching their schedules around so I'd go out there and do the heavy work when it was a full moon. Wasn't about to use a flashlight that close. I kept an eye on the people if they were awake when I was out there taking care of business. Come to find out they were an old couple. Maybe late 50s to mid 60s. He real kicker is the old guy works as a guard for a pokey maybe 45 minutes from there. Wifey was the typical old fashioned stay at home woman.
I watched em argue like old people and even watched Matlock on their tv sitting on a log via binoculars one night. Guy had eventually switched over to nights around early to mid sept. Girls were flowering and a bit on the stinky side. I was expecting them to be gone when that happened. Anyways the back light was on and there was activity going on inside the house. He came outside and turned the vehicle on in uniform. The old lady came out and was ranting like an angry old seahag at him. Talking about how something's probably close to their property and yada yada. He snapped back at her like an old school pre women's rights poster child and told her she better mind her own business because it wasn't any of their business. Then said "damnit woman you better get back in the house and stop causing me trouble". I about lost it there. Their antics were like the scene from Billy Madison and the old man Clemens flaming bag of poop. Nice people though. Just old and crotchety with each other. Even got to know who they are because they would come into my extra money job. After that I didn't check on them due to what the woman said. I just let nature do it's thing. Went out there a week before Halloween. Sure enough they were still there. Big fat stinky buds on em. Pulled em up and took em home. They were extremely mature. Loads of amber. It rocked my socks and the few other people that tried it. Gave a stoned>giggles head high. The giggles wore off and gave way to just flat out stoned. The longer that went on the more the body high came into effect. Then it was couchLOCK, History Channel documentaries and hanging out with the dog.
I wouldn't personally do it again though I don't think. I'm just a naturally sneaky bastard and enjoy things like that sometimes. My situation there was due to them slapping a home there right smack in the middle of the time when plants are booming and looking great. Your's is like playing my game but on Hell difficulty lol.
My 2GP would be to do like I did and go by the moon phases. You'd be amazed at how much brighter it is with a full moon out on a clear night when your eyes become adjusted to the dark. Be sober when you go as a precaution. Keep the face and body covered. No tats showing. And no cell phones on your person. It'd suck if you forgot to turn your ringtone off and someone decided to call you in the middle of trying to be a ninja XD
Also this
Godspeed and good luck my friend. I hope you roll 18-20 on all your move silently, detect traps and listen checks. Maybe you can find out if the people have facebooks or not as well. Bookmark em and keep an eye on them. Some people are dumb enough to post things like "omg some idiot was growing reefers out by our house. The police raided our house and threatened to shoot our horses!" up on their wall if they found them. Wouldn't surprise me

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Ima keep an eye on this thread. Since you're going to go through with this it could prove entertaining. Had 2 girls last season out of a patch that was originally 6 (effin' males). It was in a small forest clearing next to some flat grass lands close to a road. In early June someone had ended up buying the property that was flat and grassy. Plops a double wide trailer smack in the middle of it. And throws a toolshed not more than maybe 40 yards away from my little patch.
Engage ninja stealth mode and come in under full darkness when I needed to feed em. It became an adrenaline thing really. Had to go by moonlight and ended up switching their schedules around so I'd go out there and do the heavy work when it was a full moon. Wasn't about to use a flashlight that close. I kept an eye on the people if they were awake when I was out there taking care of business. Come to find out they were an old couple. Maybe late 50s to mid 60s. He real kicker is the old guy works as a guard for a pokey maybe 45 minutes from there. Wifey was the typical old fashioned stay at home woman.
I watched em argue like old people and even watched Matlock on their tv sitting on a log via binoculars one night. Guy had eventually switched over to nights around early to mid sept. Girls were flowering and a bit on the stinky side. I was expecting them to be gone when that happened. Anyways the back light was on and there was activity going on inside the house. He came outside and turned the vehicle on in uniform. The old lady came out and was ranting like an angry old seahag at him. Talking about how something's probably close to their property and yada yada. He snapped back at her like an old school pre women's rights poster child and told her she better mind her own business because it wasn't any of their business. Then said "damnit woman you better get back in the house and stop causing me trouble". I about lost it there. Their antics were like the scene from Billy Madison and the old man Clemens flaming bag of poop. Nice people though. Just old and crotchety with each other. Even got to know who they are because they would come into my extra money job. After that I didn't check on them due to what the woman said. I just let nature do it's thing. Went out there a week before Halloween. Sure enough they were still there. Big fat stinky buds on em. Pulled em up and took em home. They were extremely mature. Loads of amber. It rocked my socks and the few other people that tried it. Gave a stoned>giggles head high. The giggles wore off and gave way to just flat out stoned. The longer that went on the more the body high came into effect. Then it was couchLOCK, History Channel documentaries and hanging out with the dog.
I wouldn't personally do it again though I don't think. I'm just a naturally sneaky bastard and enjoy things like that sometimes. My situation there was due to them slapping a home there right smack in the middle of the time when plants are booming and looking great. Your's is like playing my game but on Hell difficulty lol.
My 2GP would be to do like I did and go by the moon phases. You'd be amazed at how much brighter it is with a full moon out on a clear night when your eyes become adjusted to the dark. Be sober when you go as a precaution. Keep the face and body covered. No tats showing. And no cell phones on your person. It'd suck if you forgot to turn your ringtone off and someone decided to call you in the middle of trying to be a ninja XD
Also this
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Godspeed and good luck my friend. I hope you roll 18-20 on all your move silently, detect traps and listen checks. Maybe you can find out if the people have facebooks or not as well. Bookmark em and keep an eye on them. Some people are dumb enough to post things like "omg some idiot was growing reefers out by our house. The police raided our house and threatened to shoot our horses!" up on their wall if they found them. Wouldn't surprise me
Haha I enjoyed reading that. I love the full moon night ops, it was a bright full moon the day I moved all of my bags of soil out to the spots and I loved it.. I could see my shadow all night that's how bright it was. But like you said about covering myself up I have a pretty good setup from all my hunting equipment with a face mask and a hat with small L.E.D on/off light at the brim of the hat from cabelas. I mostly try to veer away from using it but only switch it on when I know Im going deep in the woods away from all house/roads that could be seen by it. You're right about the hell difficulty with 17 plants going but my look at it is, if you're going to do it.... do it big or why in the hell do it? that's how I look at it. Plus I love being out in the woods especially while it's dark, idk why maybe its the Indian in me. We'll see! it's starting to get really nice out here but still a tad chilly at night so I think first week or 2 of May would be perfect, giving 16 a 5 week indoor veg and the 1 big boy with 9-10week indoor start and I have about 8 or 9 that already popped through the starter pellets


Well-Known Member
Yeah doing things at night in my area is pretty easy right now. The trees haven't filled in with leaves yet so moonlight can get through. They're starting to do their thing though. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you right now as far as starter pellets. Got 9 Autos right now under lights. Have 7 bagseed that are out already. Got around 40 various strain seeds I'm gonna germ in the next few days and have ready to roll after 2 weeks of vegging in a box.