Your MG All Purpose and Happy Frog together are causing you problems. Happy Frog has bat guano in it to start with and the N of 24 in MG combined with HF is too much. Also, MG doesn't contain any calcium and Magnesium which your girls will need. Your pics show a bit of wrinkling on the leaf. This indicates a pH problem right away. When pH if off, calcium will lock out and then magnesium locks out then all hell breaks loose. Depending on what type of water you use makes a difference too with Cal & Mag. Find a way to get Cal & Mag to your girls and you should see an improvement. Be careful when using MG since it is hot and stays in the plant long. I would reduce the MG/water ratio and make sure you get good run off when you feed or water. You don't want the salts to keep piling up in the soil. Keep in mind, if you are only giving them 1/3 cup and not getting any runoff, when the soil dries the salts gets worse. You mentioned about posting something about clawing on your last grow. That would be from too much N. Good Luck.