Cant figure out what the problem is

I cant seem to figure out what the problem is, my leafs are a bit dry and have some brown spotting doesn't seem to be coming from the tips so i dont think its a nute overload, possibly my lights are too close? i'm running them 24 hrs day during veg maybe i should back off a bit? i'm at 3 1/2 weeks. Also maybe chlorine from tap water causing this? Sorry i'm a 1st time grower I went through the help threads trying to diagnose it but i'm afraid to diagnose it wrong thought i'd get a second opinion. any help would be greatly appreciated. plants seem to be healthy otherwise


Pat the stoner

New Member
I take a plastic trash can 30-gal with a lid and fill it , wait 24 hours (keeping it covered after you fill it so no junk falls into it) then use it to water them , I'm told this will somehow reduce the chlorine . the spots I am not sure about you may be right .


Active Member
I dunno one plant looks kind of sick..the other pictures show some plants that most people here would be proud of

Here is some updated pictures, I still seem to be having the problem, it never affects the top leafs just under the top leafs but my other two plants seem to be fine show no sign of dried leafs or anything (one plant is a runt wont grow as fast either but its catching up) I've tried many different things, i dont believe it to be a chlorine problem simply because the other plants arent affected same as over nute i dont think it is that either but i just flushed my water and i'm gonna let them go for a couple days with out nutes see what happens


might just be normal leaf drop....but u didn't mention your lighting that might be an issue...but...snip the brownish leaves off once they r looking like they won't photosynthesize or benefit the plant anymore..(for example pic 5 of 10 above should be snipped off)...plants do well without nutrients during vegetation stage as long as you have strong light! nutrients during blooming stage is more practical, especially for us newbies...
What is your ph doing?

I was having issues like that when i wasnt checking ph enough. Check ph twice a day and watch for ph changes.

My rez would be ph 4.5... then I would adjust the ph to 6... then 24 hr later it would be back to 4.5.

So I'm sure I was getting a decent amount of lockout... but enough nutes were getting into the plant during the ph swing to allow the tops to be ok. But it sacrificed the bottom leaves.

(I'm still working this problem out.) From what I have gathered... I need to use a RO system instead of tap water, and cal-mag plus. (along with my flora nova bloom @ 1 tsp per gallon)


Well-Known Member
What is your ph doing?

I was having issues like that when i wasnt checking ph enough. Check ph twice a day and watch for ph changes.

My rez would be ph 4.5... then I would adjust the ph to 6... then 24 hr later it would be back to 4.5.

So I'm sure I was getting a decent amount of lockout... but enough nutes were getting into the plant during the ph swing to allow the tops to be ok. But it sacrificed the bottom leaves.

(I'm still working this problem out.) From what I have gathered... I need to use a RO system instead of tap water, and cal-mag plus. (along with my flora nova bloom @ 1 tsp per gallon)
Cheap airstones are probably your culprit for fluctuating ph like that. Something in the stone tweaks the ph. You can lower it and the stone will raise it right back up again.
Cheap airstones are probably your culprit for fluctuating ph like that. Something in the stone tweaks the ph. You can lower it and the stone will raise it right back up again.
I am using cheap air stones...

However, the ph is lowering and then i have to raise it. but probably the same issue.

in the last 24hr... my ph hasnt moved at all... check out the link in my sig for the last week of ppm and ph...


Well-Known Member
Ok so first of all. ditch RO idea, it's a waste unless you really have hard useless water, do invest in better nutes instead. What's going on is your plant are taking only water as pH is out of whack thus the dropping, rust spots, dead leaves etc. This is not a matter of nutes but your water getting acidic too quickly for whatever reason. See, ideal setup point for an hydroponic nute solution should be 5.6 and should rise in a matter of .2 steps per day up to 6.0, given pot size, temps and DO rates are right... When PH gets too low you're gonna see Ca related issues and damage in the lower of big fan leaves and if it's too alkaline K and Fe locks would be in order and the upper growth will suffer. BTW What's under those card boards Hydroton?
Heres a few updated pictures after I added cal mag the top tier leafs seem to be healthy none of the problems lower ones had must have needed the calcium. I dont know how much the lower damaged leafs will overall affect the crop but only time will tell i'm in flowering lights now plants are about 18" tall just gonna keep goin see what happens. not bad for the first time

