Cant figure the problem

Using random potting mix with aged compost feeding with gh flora last feed was 750 ppm at 6.1ph and the runoff was 820 ph at 6.7ph
notcied the leaves turning purple starting from back moving towards the tip about 2 days ago been looking around the net and i think its phosphorus def but ima amateur and could use some feedback ..thank in advance thumbnail_20201219_142308.jpg



Well-Known Member
Need to see the whole plant. But it very well could just be the genetics or lights out temps causing the purp.


Active Member
My quick thought is to check your humidity and temperature levels.
  • The leaves look puffy like.
  • This is generally from poor uptake.
  • You have tip burn which is also caused in part by uptake issues and accumulated crap we don't want accumulating there.
Additionally, the leaves look a bit leathery. I would reduce nitrogen a bit next round if this is from a clone you're going to run again.

I am thinking the color change is probably temperature as already stated and/or is part of that genetic phenotype.