can't figure this out?


Active Member
I've learned from reading this site a while back in first grow keep the room cold and the tent temps will come naturally usually make sense focus on the inside work from outside in hints while its still in construction in tent I've decided gonna probably be a 8 5gallon bucket dwc recirculation system with 30 gallon res outside the tent because im liking my odds way better in hydroponics since im a fast paced in decisive curious cannabis lover it can keep me busy also add one 600 watt matching cool tube make custom wing to push the light down to plants wrapped in mylar 2 3x3 PVC pipe trelies squares since im in a 8x4 tent the help of the amazing growers and experienced people on this site I should have almost everything I need once I get some fresh seeds and gry everything also will be gettin 1/2 in black tube connect fir tub and buckets so wont leak a water submergible pump probably a120 gph if enough for 30 gallon also will be putting drip system up top will draw up exact details on blue print if it's sounds good ??


Active Member
You weren't kidding about your space. Update me when you get bigger Res on the go. I always like to see how people set up there stuff. I wasn't brave enough and paid big money for mine. I would work on that humidity though. I'd hate to see you end up with bud rot after all this.
i wanted one if the god father grow rooms but couldnt see me spending money on it im a firm beliver in stacking cash lol but the legal way work for what i want and decided to provide a tent with space a filter/fan for odor control hear that these plants attract wild pigs lol and lighting first tried the cfl route wasnt cutting it for me next is a digi pen to back up my drop tester since i belive un doing things myself but wont hurt to have back up if cant decide or second guess my self


Active Member
should I lower it or raise it and I how with a bowl of water and right now I have tent open since I'm in my office which is light proofed already with timers set on a flashy kid toy that randomly comes on a like a tv playing at random times throughout the evening appear normal as if not looking for something out if place in used to being in hot spots all around the world in war so they trained me to watch people so im aware of some tactics lol bug Barry Cooper never get busted DVD is also helpful and its on you tube


Well-Known Member
Wow that god father set up is mint. I had to google it to find out exactly what it was. You will want to lower the humidity. I have read that mid 30's is ideal lots say 40% but any higher and you are running risks of mold (bud rot). Humidity is fine for early stages of the plants life but after that should be avoided.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I'm not one to ask about grow set ups. I am intrigued but there are so many good ideas on this site I would suggest just taking your time and figuring out exactly what you want in a set up. Following one of the many proven methods on this site would be your best bet. Some guys claim huge yields in a short amount of time with evidence and people to back it up. Pick a popular method that suits you. I'm not certain if the smell attracts pigs but it would attract me!


Active Member
gotcha and do the bubble amount look ok I'm also trying to explain what im asking and referring to since I want to maybe help someone else who spent time all night away from there family google and reading forums because I'm sure there people out there like me and just wonder weird odd shit that we don't know how or why learning and teaching at the same time is what I'm trying to accomplish figured since I got shit wrong with me lets use it to an advantage am I right?


Well-Known Member
May I suggest starting another thread in grow room design for that? I think we lost most of the experts after 3 pages of talking about PH lol. Your bubbles look fine to me. From my understanding as long as your pumping air your golden. A thread I was reading was bragging about these.
I think they would be great for your buckets as that is what they are designed for. The pics of them in action looked great. Just another thing to consider I suppose.


Active Member
very helpful and I'll keep the questions in mind lol like I said I'm new to the site as a member usually just reading stuff


Well-Known Member
Roots look healthy to me. That's what I love about hydroponics. There are sure tell tale signs that you are messing up. Your plant will let you know in a hurry in most cases. As well they can be corrected quickly if noticed early enough. The only obvious problem to me was the PH. Now that you have that figured out its just your humidity. After my first successful grow it became apparent to me that this is a tough plant. I messed up everything I possibly could have. A bit of that was because I was 9000 miles away during flowering but ya I'm still not sure how they survived. Some of the pictures I had to post was down right embarrassing and I knew it as I posted them. Learning experience to say the least. My plants are much happier now that I have a little knowledge. We both have lots more to learn but you (and I) are off to a good start I think. Still waiting for an expert to come in here and yell at me for giving you misleading information.


Active Member
haha well it seems to be working for me! So your doing something right and knowledge is power sometimes I do things twice even if failed first just to see if it was a operator error or not supposed to be done at all


Well-Known Member
Please be careful diagnosing ph online too many variable imo

I know your trying to help him but best thing for him to do is use the color chart that came with the kit if its gone go get another one

miller is steering you right but be careful and carry on


Active Member
Please be careful diagnosing ph online too many variable imo

I know your trying to help him but best thing for him to do is use the color chart that came with the kit if its gone go get another one

miller is steering you right but be careful and carry on
thanks I appreciate your input on the matter and yes ive been adjusting to my chart color but wasn't sure if I was in the ball park even from never using kit before


Well-Known Member
Please be careful diagnosing ph online too many variable imo

I know your trying to help him but best thing for him to do is use the color chart that came with the kit if its gone go get another one

miller is steering you right but be careful and carry on

He posted the chart on page one but was confused what shade to get it. Take a look and let us know what you think. He knows to take what I have to say with a grain of salt as I told him many times. Was hoping someone with expierence using the GH ph tester would chime in but no one did.


Well-Known Member
Like I said not too comfortable givin tips like that but I can tell you a trick I learned dont know if you tried it or not but I like it

put a piece of white paper with a light behind it then look through your mixing vial at the color chart when you are at the color you want
it will be invisible
with other colors at slightly different shades
hope this helps if not let me know and ill try too look at it
but I hate that idea lol


Well-Known Member
Like I said not too comfortable givin tips like that but I can tell you a trick I learned dont know if you tried it or not but I like it

put a piece of white paper with a light behind it then look through your mixing vial at the color chart when you are at the color you want
it will be invisible
with other colors at slightly different shades
hope this helps if not let me know and ill try too look at it
but I hate that idea lol
Well that's a cool trick. Now I want to go home so I can try it lol.


Well-Known Member
After a while I think everyone gets a meter but they are unnecessary for your current lvl chem test are usually very decent I used them for many years