Can't find a solution


I've been trying to figure out what's been up with my plants, but I can't seem to quite figure it out myself.
They have been growing very slow. i did have heat issues which are under control now. I think I was having a Mg/ Ca def so I bought cal-mag plus, and watered with that the past 2 waterings which seems to be helping but I can't really tell. I'm thinking about a flush but I don't want to stress them out more then they are already. Go ahead and bash, they look like shit. Any ideas on what to do?


Dude you are loving them to death. The yellow tips are fertilizer burn. Do nothing but water for the next 2 weeks and dont overwater. That pot is way too big for a plant that small. I had mine in solo cups and they were that big in 2 weeks. Its too easy to overwater a small plant in a pot that size. Be careful on your watering.


Dude you are loving them to death. The yellow tips are fertilizer burn. Do nothing but water for the next 2 weeks and dont overwater. That pot is way too big for a plant that small. I had mine in solo cups and they were that big in 2 weeks. Its too easy to overwater a small plant in a pot that size. Be careful on your watering.
I was doing nothing but watering and that's when the problems started to show


Yup start with peat or soil without nutes in it.

The temp problem is probably what screwed them up the most.

They will be ok just get used to looking at the damage for awhile until new growth out the top covers it up.

Just keep temp, humidity, and ph in a good range and they will be ok.

They may be stunted so that may add a few weeks to your timeline.

Good luck


Thanks @heathen. Do you think I should continue to feed? I have ff trio but I've only used cal-mag plus so far which seems to be making new growth seem healthier.


Active Member
No more nutes. Ocean forest should get you through a few weeks of veg. Next two or three waterings just use water and flush them really well. Since they are in such large pots it will take a while for the soil to dry out. Nothing but water, let soil dry out a bit, more water. You'll be good to go just have to wait for them to rebound. I have used Ocean Forest for seedlings before but I would suggest something like Happy Frog that is a bit lighter. It's cool though, this is part of the learning process. Your next grow will go smoother.


Active Member
Thanks for the input, will do and see how they turn out. Hope they bounce back quick
Two or three weeks brother, be patient. You might try looking below the surface of the soil. Dig down until you see roots. You can replace that soil with plain potting soil. You could even replace it with some coco you get at the pet store. Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
What's the pH like on the water runoff? It looks to me like a lockout. The reason the calmag is "working" is because of the small amount of iron in it, which is one of the things being locked out.


What's the pH like on the water runoff? It looks to me like a lockout. The reason the calmag is "working" is because of the small amount of iron in it, which is one of the things being locked out.
I'm not sure I've never tested the pH of the runoff. I have the drop tester with the vile where you match it up to the colors. It's not that accurate but I do my best to pH my tap water


Two or three weeks brother, be patient. You might try looking below the surface of the soil. Dig down until you see roots. You can replace that soil with plain potting soil. You could even replace it with some coco you get at the pet store. Just an idea.
I'm not to sure what you mean. Can you elaborate on that a little more?

Afghani man

New Member
Just stick my oar in if you dont mind...They look like they are recovering to me and mix seems dry but i can understand your reluctance to wet em too much!


image.jpgimage.jpgSo an update.. Not good! Didnt add any nutes like said and this started. Browning at the tips of new growth after it comes in looking fine and then it just starts to curl up and like die from the tips inward