Can't find anything to correlate with these leaf problem...


Active Member
Hey, recently I bumped up my ppms from 300 to 600 ppm and I noticed some nute burn. I quickly changed the water out the next day and gave them a 450 PPM solution and this burning stopped spreading. But now, my leaves are all droppy and growth seems stunted. I took these 2 off as they were the ones that showed the most nute burn and were just an eye sore.

Photo Jan 17, 5 28 23 PM.jpgPhoto Jan 17, 5 28 27 PM.jpg

Did I diagnose them correctly?


Well-Known Member
That's not burn. That's P and Mg defs at late stage :S. You PH went too acidic for sure, is this right?


Well-Known Member
5.5 is the lowest it gets.. and if you had your meter bad calibrated for a week that'd be enough... could you check your meter just to please this stubborn grower?


check pH, also possibly a micro nute or P issue. cant see leaf tips, so its hard to say if its a deficiency or toxicity.
if leaf tips are burnt, back off your phosphorus ( more likely if you are in flower, not so much in veg). If you arent giving your plants a micro nute supplement, try using cal-mag at a rate of 1-3 mL per gallon.


Active Member
The tips aren't burnt. I use tap water with a ppm of 300, I think there might be enough calcium in there, would giving it. Calmag still be advised or should I give it Epsom salt?


Well-Known Member
Won't hurt to try cal mag...but what water are you using? as in tap, well, distilled? Sometimes there is just stuff in well water that makes plants look like that, at least for me...