Cant find the ideal levels for drying my harvest!!!

COB Grow Mike

New Member
With the final 2 week flush starting this week . I have been trying to find the spot with the most ideal conditions for drying my harvest. Putting hygrometers all over the house. In doing so i find no room has everything I'm looking for . So my question is what should i sacrfice more heat or humidity ???

Grow tent area in basement is around 76-80 degress and 50 rh with dehumidifier can drop lower if needed . Then other spot is roughly 68-77 with 55- 65 rh . Any input is appreciated . Not a pro at this by any means
I’d cure in your second option is perfect will take a lil bit but long as your on it a longer drying time and longer cure will give u best bud years now I cure in my basement temps usually around 67 and rh around 67 those are prime numbers IMO. The longer the cure the better the bud will smell taste and burn.
I found that the cardboard box method can help in these situations. Large boxes with buds hanging inside of them in the 2nd area will probably give you your best results. A dedicated tent would be something to look into for the future if you can't get a bit more control of your environment. Both areas will do the trick, but I like the stats on the 2nd, and I'd do a box taped with swiss cheese holes in the sides. I use plant wire to hang them.

Poke a box up and stick your hygrometer in there and see what you get.
Thanks you all for the suggestions... i was leaning towards 2nd option as well .
I am going to poke a box up and put it in the 2nd option see what numbers i get. I forgot to mention 2nd option also has a window a/c in it i can utilize if needed .
If my buds come down too wet , then i will throw it in the first option for a day or 2 before moving to 2nd.
I also got some boveda packs otw 58% and 62% was going to play with them plus do a control where i just burp normally no pack added
Thanks you all for the suggestions... i was leaning towards 2nd option as well .
I am going to poke a box up and put it in the 2nd option see what numbers i get. I forgot to mention 2nd option also has a window a/c in it i can utilize if needed .
If my buds come down too wet , then i will throw it in the first option for a day or 2 before moving to 2nd.
I also got some boveda packs otw 58% and 62% was going to play with them plus do a control where i just burp normally no pack added
Def dont water the day of harvest. I like 2 or 3 to be honest. But as long as it isnt that same day it wont affect the dry. It can set the process back a few days and increase the chance of mold.
You can dry in a range of humidities and it will produce the same dried bud at the end, you can't do that with temperature so much so temps would be the most important in your situation.

For you I'd split your harvest and start working it out, these sites have a lot of real bad info on this stuff it's best to question it through trial/error or you will forever be stuck in that.