Can’t rid white powdery mildew.

With that % you should be ok, but something must still be "dirty". :P
I have to agree with above them apart and fully sanitize them...lights can also hold spores...clean them off fully too.
Anything going in or out of tent gets sanitized...everything.
I tried to sanitize my lights but I never wiped the led bulb side of them so that could be it. I also need a good way to clean out my fans smh. I’m gonna buy some Lysol tomorrow and spray them down
I tried to sanitize my lights but I never wiped the led bulb side of them so that could be it. I also need a good way to clean out my fans smh. I’m gonna buy some Lysol tomorrow and spray them down
Ya open light if not warrantied and fans should be opened...unscrew the sides and get to the blades (unplugged of too if they have fans also. Pipes/ducting...etc.
Just what I would do is all, but I'm somewhat OCD on take that into account
If you clean the whole room but not the innards of the fans, you could be reintroducing each time.
Yeah I guess I need to replace my ducting and all. Crazy part is my ducting is connected between two tents and I only have problems in one tent. My other tent is just fine in the same room and my closet is fine also.

but as soon as I move a plant from my clean tent to the one that had WPM before a few weeks later it shows its ugly head. I’m just gonna try and save the single plant in the dirty tent and keep it there. I’ll keep what I have in the clean areas and start completely over when I move. I guess I could spray alcohol thru my fans as well without damaging the electronics. It’s just weird it’s really contained in the one tent.
Ya open light if not warrantied and fans should be opened...unscrew the sides and get to the blades (unplugged of too if they have fans also. Pipes/ducting...etc.
Just what I would do is all, but I'm somewhat OCD on take that into account

Yeah I’m definitely with you on that because of how it keeps coming back with a vengeance it’s gotta be there somewhere. I tried to run a Air purifier with a hepa Filter hoping to catch spores in the filter. As well but still came back
You're going to need to get serious about prevention from now on...forever. Cycle different bio-fungicides(southern ag), neem/silica spray, potassium bicarb sprays weekly, treat them early and often. Regalia is great to add in to that rotation if you have money to burn, if not, give them aspirin water a couple of times, and think about chitosan to induce systemic resistance. If you stay on top of things, PM won't return with a vengeance, it'll be manageable. Good luck! Also, UV bulbs are supposed to help, I'm currently looking into their use for PM. Just bought a couple of agromax pure UV.
I even saw UVA lights at Ross the other day made for sterilizing.
Was just thinking about this...if I remember right you can use a black light to see the spores of some molds.
Off to google to be
I was looking into the zerotol. Might get it to drench and save my plant. What’s the difference with the HC and 2.0?

I googled It and it said same active chemicals but at different rates. HC seems to be cheaper as well.

I'm not sure about carbon filters but it seems to me that prokure gas I linked to earlier would kill anything in your fans if you run them while it's releasing. I saw on growers network that someone from the company was saying it's safe to use with plants in room. Well he said he can't make those claims until it's an approved use but that they have applied to add it to the list of approved uses.
Man horror threads like this and spider mites keep me up at night. Seems like people struggle bus on these two issues badly.

I pray to the weed gods I never run into this.
There are several natural Thymol (essential oil from thyme herb) anti-fungal products on the market now that have shown great efficacy in treating PM. Here is one study, I think it was done by the manufacturer, that compares it to Serenade (which works better as a preventive anyway). https://www.agroresearchinternation...s-cucumber-powdery-mildew-2017-study...Anyway, it's worth trying but I'd only use it prior to any significant bud formation unless you want your buds to taste like Italian food.
Man horror threads like this and spider mites keep me up at night. Seems like people struggle bus on these two issues badly.

I pray to the weed gods I never run into this.
Man I went 8 years of growing without ever having this PM issue. It’s a first for me.
I ended up ordering zerotol HC because I wanted to really try and save a plant and says you can directly spray plants all the way until harvest. After this one plant finishes up I’m gonna take the tent down. Burn it to the depths of hell and then redo all my ducting etc and spray down my fans.
Do I need an atomizer to use zerotol or can I just put the mix in a normal spray bottle?
I just use a back pack sprayer from harbor freight at the moment. I want a paint sprayer but haven't bought one yet. I hear the pressure from the paint sprayers are beneficial , plus I used a paint sprayer on my building it seems mixing up the sprays in a 5 gallon bucket would be easier than in a sprayer.
I just use a back pack sprayer from harbor freight at the moment. I want a paint sprayer but haven't bought one yet. I hear the pressure from the paint sprayers are beneficial , plus I used a paint sprayer on my building it seems mixing up the sprays in a 5 gallon bucket would be easier than in a sprayer.
Imma just mix some up and use spray bottles. I just tosses my handheld sprayer because it was taking up space