Cant self-diagnose (detailed pics)

Ok to start off, thanks for any help.

Im a noob with really limited means.
I only have a pool Ph tester, not a meter.

My grow area is a stelth box with a 150w equivalent(42w) inslide is lined with a cheap emergency blanket. The box is 18"t/12"w/20"d. The light is centered and the plant about 4" away from light.

MG organic potting mix.(i know its crap)
distilled water. water about every 2-3 days. fed twice with a 10 15 10 food twice(i couldnt find a higher N food for veg) about half strenght. plant is 4 weeks old. 24/0 light

some fan leaves have been trimed so its not touching walls(sissors were cleaned with alcohol)

Unknown bag seed



I agree, Mg deficiency.
What's the ppm of the water you're using? If it's very hard water it can lock out the Mg. Some Epsom salt with your next watering should sort it out.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
give it a flush with a couple a gallons distilled water wait 4-5 days before u feed or wait until it starts to look a bit droopy . also if ure on a budget and need a good cheap nute , alaska fish emulsion at lowes and depot will work
I agree, Mg deficiency.
What's the ppm of the water you're using? If it's very hard water it can lock out the Mg. Some Epsom salt with your next watering should sort it out.
Good luck!
give it a flush with a couple a gallons distilled water wait 4-5 days before u feed or wait until it starts to look a bit droopy . also if ure on a budget and need a good cheap nute , alaska fish emulsion at lowes and depot will work
I couldnt tell you the PPM of the water. i did PH the diffrent waters im useing tho.

8.2+ ash water(2 tsp/gal. distilled H2o)
7.8 tap water (just tested it, dont use it)
7.3 nut water (5 drops to 1 liter, directions state 7 drops per liter) food it 10.15.10-mised w/ distilled H2o
6.8 distilled water
I did mix about a pinch of epsome salt to about a liter of distilled water.Fed the plant a 1/4 of it. Then let it sleep for 6 hrs for the frist time. that morning it did look better but then bad again when the light came on. I think there is some heat stress going on as well.

I used a pool Ph tester to measure...its all could get in town.

Unfortunitly the cloest Depot is an hour and a half a way. Any large retailer infact. need to order online basicly, but I cant aford anything atm. not having a job sucks.

The MG mix I used is way low in PH from what I understand, so I to balance the PH with the water. I think I may flush then transplant to a little bigger pot and a new medium. I was given a link to MG grown plants. they look very similer.

I also want to find a 10.10.10 food if I can. Or at least a more balanced food.

Thanks for all imput. keep it comen.

here is the link. thanks dannygreen.


Well-Known Member
i would use tap water in your situation. it has some micro stuff that you need.

also, don't trim your leaves. they really don't need it.

do you have any air circulation in your box?
i would use tap water in your situation. it has some micro stuff that you need.

also, don't trim your leaves. they really don't need it.

do you have any air circulation in your box?
I will try flushing with the Tap water, when its dryed out and transplanted. I will also try watering with tap as well, if I can get some votes of confadence about that.

Would it be bad to flush with distilled water?

No fan, its a cardboard box. No room. I have a total of 3 vegging in a 18x20x12" box. I do open the flaps about 5 times a day for extended periods of time. I also keep the flaps cracked oped while im sleeping, since its on 24/0 light.

I thought leaves touching walls or grow mediums will cause neriosis? Thats was one of the factors for my decition to trim them, I also get some condensation when the box is closed up for awhile. I didnt think it would be good for the leave to come in contact with. Am I wrong about this?

thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
you don't need to flush nothing. flushing is bad for plants as it chokes the roots.
just try using tap water for a week or two. remember to let them sit for 24 hours before using them to let chlorine evaporate.

put a PC fan in the box, you will see the difference.
It really doesn't take much space.
place it at the top of the box to pull air out.
you should put another fan in the room to circulate air. hang it somewhere and move air around and create movement. it will toughen the stem and create stronger plants.

Its OK to let plants touch the walls. I do it all the time without any ill efects.
you don't need to flush nothing. flushing is bad for plants as it chokes the roots.
just try using tap water for a week or two. remember to let them sit for 24 hours before using them to let chlorine evaporate.

put a PC fan in the box, you will see the difference.
It really doesn't take much space.
place it at the top of the box to pull air out.
you should put another fan in the room to circulate air. hang it somewhere and move air around and create movement. it will toughen the stem and create stronger plants.

Its OK to let plants touch the walls. I do it all the time without any ill efects.
So I should just transplant them and start with evaporated tap water. I have looked for small fans intown. cant find anything small enough. I am going to try and find a dress to construct a proper room. I have a 150w hps comen :bigjoint: so i definitly need to upgrade my area lol. when i find a something free that will work i will have proper air circulation. thanks for your help again.

ps. how do you wire a PC fan for an outlet?


Well-Known Member
Note that tap water have higher EC so you going full dose with fertilizers will burn the plants faster. when you get over 2\3 the dose start looking for over-fertilizing signs.

you can use pc fans. they are really cheap if you can't find any computer recycling fecility that can spare you some.
you'll need a 12V DC transformer. thoes are pretty cheap and sold in most electronics shops.
if you'r on really low budget you can scavage a PC power unit and plug it into that. but it get hotter, takes much more space and ugly as shit.

if you'r moving to HPS I would recommand DIYing a cooltube, get a proper exhaust vent (for your light i'd say a 80cfm should do in a small room like you would probably have) with a matching carbon filter.
The filter is a must to mask odor.
The exhaust is a must to keep the room at managable temperatures.
I really recommand getting a cooltube. Even if temps aren't the issue it lets you get the light MUCH closer to the plants resulting in MUCH more available lumens to the plants.

There are tons of DIY cooltube threads. look for the long one from around a week ago.
You can get a vase or something and just break the glass using the hot thread method. (look it up)

With that setup you will also need some air circulation to keep the plants shivering a bit. It really helps.
Even a pc fan or two would be much better than nothing and they really are the cheap part of your grow.
Note that tap water have higher EC so you going full dose with fertilizers will burn the plants faster. when you get over 2\3 the dose start looking for over-fertilizing signs.

you can use pc fans. they are really cheap if you can't find any computer recycling fecility that can spare you some.
you'll need a 12V DC transformer. thoes are pretty cheap and sold in most electronics shops.
if you'r on really low budget you can scavage a PC power unit and plug it into that. but it get hotter, takes much more space and ugly as shit.

if you'r moving to HPS I would recommand DIYing a cooltube, get a proper exhaust vent (for your light i'd say a 80cfm should do in a small room like you would probably have) with a matching carbon filter.
The filter is a must to mask odor.
The exhaust is a must to keep the room at managable temperatures.
I really recommand getting a cooltube. Even if temps aren't the issue it lets you get the light MUCH closer to the plants resulting in MUCH more available lumens to the plants.

There are tons of DIY cooltube threads. look for the long one from around a week ago.
You can get a vase or something and just break the glass using the hot thread method. (look it up)

With that setup you will also need some air circulation to keep the plants shivering a bit. It really helps.
Even a pc fan or two would be much better than nothing and they really are the cheap part of your grow.
Would spliceing into an old cell phone charger or something work?

Carbon filter is a deffinit must.

A new area will deffinitly be build around proper ventalation.

Just got the 150hps :bigjoint: 5 min ago.

Ill look into a DIY cooltube.

Ill get some FF nutes but Hear at frist 1/2 dose or less is a good idea. and slowly add more over time. The bible says that even the most demanding plants normaly only require feeding about ever 5 days as 3/4 strenght.

thanks for the help. how long have you been farming?


Well-Known Member
check its output. if its 12V DC - it works.

I've used only BioBizz and HESI by now, so I don't know about FF.
Its pretty strain dependent. some like more nutes than others. However the main key in soil growing is growing in good soil - it will requier much less fertilizers as the uptake rate of the roots is better.

I grow 'tomatoes' (I never grew weed. right. yeh. that.) for a year now.
I grew quite a lot of plants beside that for a few year. I grew all sorts of plants.

I'm not that much of a know-it-all. Not close.
Its just that I had to work with VERY small variety of products to choose from, crappy soils to work with and very high temps.
Israel is fu-un.