Can't show the grow!!!


New Member
I am a new indoor grower I built myself a 12x12 shed (building) behind my garage specifically to grow some good stinky weed! The only person that knows about it is my girlfriend and she does not really appreciate the Beauty of my well hidden set up out back.. I don't know why I would post such a stupid thing on this forum but I guess I'm wondering if anyone else or if everyone else for that matter wishes they could show off there hard work.. I know the only way to a successful crop is to keep your mouth shut and it's worth it every time u harvest some Juicy buds.. ..


New Member
Nice bro, looks good..

Not too bad for my first indoor set up.. I need more lighting in the room as I have 12 plants under one 1000w hps and one 400w I want to do a Sog next time so I been cloning like a mad man I have 13 rooted and another 22 cuttings in the clear bins sweating waiting for roots to show any day now .. I'm actually surprised on how well plants are doing with minimum lighting


Well-Known Member
12 under 1000w ain't ideal, but it ain't minimal lighting lol someone trying to flower 6 plants under 100w CFL is minimal lighting :D