Can't sleep with this loud inline fan


Well-Known Member
I've got a 6" hydrofarm inline fan and damnit it's loud as shit. I'm going to order a speed adjuster tomorrow because fuck. my grow tent is right next to my bed who else here has the same problem? Will a speed adjuster solve my problems???? Or am I fucked on sleep?


Well-Known Member
You could buy a silencer ( or even make one , they aren't that hard to make) & that will cut down all noise when the fan is at idle speed, but on full power you will need ear plug's.


Well-Known Member
SAME EXACT PROBLEM I HAD. I bought a speedster and reduced it to half speed, Its attached to a carbon filter in a 4 by 4 by 7 tent, does the job just fine. And much quieter!


Well-Known Member
Damn I will go crazy in less than a month, I had to sleep on my living room sofa last night.
No insulated ducting just regular aluminum.

@speeka how do I make my own silencer?????