Can't Smoke For A Month What Do You Do?


Active Member
i cant smoke for a month so what the fuck would you do?
right now to keep me satisfied i look at my buds and just drink and look at my girls wbu
this is my 1st day not high lol


Well-Known Member
how come u can't smoke,are u getting drug tested if so u could just buy a wizzinator that's wat I would do so I could chief all day longbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i cant smoke for a month so what the fuck would you do?
right now to keep me satisfied i look at my buds and just drink and look at my girls wbu
this is my 1st day not high lol
Enjoy sobriety! Is it that bad? :)


Well-Known Member
Enjoy sobriety! Is it that bad? :)
fuck ya it sucks I haven't smoked for two weeks and it's not my choice I simply don't have the money to go and buy a sack and I'm straight up dieing to get high,all I can do is sit there and stare at my plants and think to myself "goddamit why can weed grow any faster!!!"


Well-Known Member
also, let me say this, thinking about it makes it 1000x worse imo. i would go lift weights to take my mind off it. exercise usually helps me when i gotta go without.


Well-Known Member
im in the same boat homie, feel ya pain. the first week is the worst. im trying to pass a drug test, bc ive been toking for so long might be longer than a month. gotta make this college degree go somewhere


Active Member
sorry people for not explaing yes i got a drug test so no drugs ugh
and i have atleast a oz and new bong just starring at me
thanks for the suppourt life sucks sober


Well-Known Member
mMmm.. .depends on the reason you cannot smoke really.. . if its cause your plants are not done and you dont wanna spend money. Beat off 13x a day..


Well-Known Member
ya ther is this legal stuff that will get you just as high maybe higher. TRUE STORY!!!!! pass that test easy. i had to for over a year... not too bad


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine man, just know that oz will be equal to like 4 oz's when you go back to smoking :p that sht will be POW-ER-FUL. whether it be shit weed or not. Guessing its not :p


Well-Known Member
the best way, if you have money is to smoke legal shit.. Or just not smoke.. Its really not that hard after 2DAYS trust me..


Active Member
I'm starting a break right now, not for a drug test or anything but rather just to take a break. I found myself smoking WAY too much simply because I had the time and nothing better to do, smoking sun up to sun down. It was great at first, I was loving being able to smoke as much as I wanted and whenever I wanted but after a while I started getting down on myself because I wouldn't do anything else, I would rather just stay home and get high and because of that I started to not enjoy my highs as much because I would guilt trip myself thinking about all the other things I could be doing rather than sit around and be high.

Fortunately for me I can smoke whenever I want still but I want to actually enjoy my high and feel proud of myself rather than down on myself so I forced myself to keep busy during the day by working out, going on runs, going on bike rides, and looking for new things to try. I admit it was hard at first because I would think about how much better things I would try would be if I was high but eventually I learned to adjust my attitude towards enjoying the moment rather than the feeling (if that makes sense.) I would bribe myself by telling myself if I do X amount of things throughout the day, or finished everything I needed to do that day then I could smoke after a certain time (usually after dark.) I would feel good about myself at the end of the day and it helped me slow down.

This week I have decided to try going all week without smoking and it's hard to keep myself from smoking when my day is winding down, but I keep telling myself that it'll be worth it in the end. Just keep your eye on whatever goal you have, or whatever you have to do and get past the first hump, "re-program" yourself to learn how to enjoy life without weed. Things may suck now but imagine how sweet it will be once you get to let our lovely Mary back in after a nice break.

Sorry for the rant, my thoughts are a little scattered being sober (weird, I figured it would be the other way around haha)