Can't tell if I over watered or under watered


One of my plant was looking really droopy yesterday and the lower leaves were dying. They have been outside and are one month old. I have only watered them maybe 3 times but they have gotten their fair share of rainfall.

Can anyone tell from the pic if it was over or under watered and if it can be saved.

I watered them yesterday and at least it is upright today, yesterday even the main stem was bending down. Should I repot it?




I am afraid if I transplant they might go in shock. But if thats what needs to be done then thats what needs to be done! Any other vote for transplant?


Looks like over watered to me? im not expert but that looks like the leaves are drooping which is a tell tale sign of over watering. I could be wrong but it looks like your soil is soaking wet too


Well-Known Member
one look at that soil tells me there is some overwatering happening. looks like you've got a good amount of vermiculite in the mix, and that retains water like nothing else. definitely let her soak in the sun and see if it gives her a boost. i wouldn't transplant with your plant in this condition - wait until it has a good sturdy stem that reflects a healthy strong root system. additionally, when repotting, i might add some perlite to your soil mix to boost drainage. hope some of that helps.