Cant use clfs for my grow.... What els?

where i live its pretty much impossible to find the fittings inw ant for my pc grow i need help
my pc is set up and awesome but no lights :(
what other lights could i use


Active Member
do you have a credit card.
cuz when i started i grew awsome plants with ebay cfls there cheap too.

if not most home garden shops carry good lights.

im sure u have a home depot or a garden store around do an internet search with your zip code


Well-Known Member
All you need is something like this

Just don't do anything stupid like this

or this



Well-Known Member
the light fittings for aquariums/fishtanks may be an option but again they're just fluro tubes and dont put put out a helluva lotta light although you can get bulbs in all the different spectrum ranges.


Active Member
you know threads like this kill me... what are you doing? why would you rig up 37 little 20w CFL's when all you need to do is get a CFL like this...

Your going to burn your house down jerry rigging shit like that. Don't be cheap and play it safe dude. These are 105w CFL's, get a single bulb and you can simply screw the thing into a normal lamp. You need a 5000K-6500K bulb to veg and honestly CFL's are worthless for flowering. Need a HID.

Save up the change from the cushions in your couch, go to any store and pick up a Visa Gift card... With that you can order anything you want.

Check out this hood made for large CFL's... super CHEAP!


Active Member
a pigtail light socket and extension cord should be availiable in every hardware store. Or buy a 10 dollar lamp and rip it apart, use the cords and socket
thanks for the help but i am in australia and for some reason all the fitting and plugs perfect for growing are not avalible here
would a 100watt clf do the job?
one for flowering and one for veg


Well-Known Member
imo this is a good way to go for you for now. you can order all your parts online, its low heat, low energy, and will work fine until you get a good HID or even HO Fluoro (preferably T5's) which is still a step up from cfl. in fact in the hands of a good gardener, its been shown they can produce just as good as a lot of peeps HID grows do, if not better.

to answer the above question, yes they will do, but i would use both, for both cycles. personally. maybe even add another.