
Is there plenty of time to sex regs before they blow pollen? I’ve been on 12/12 for about a week with my orange cookies Mac and they all look the same. No way there’s 5 females…. Never done regs before. Don’t want to blow it. 220 dollar pack… of regs…
Is there plenty of time to sex regs before they blow pollen? I’ve been on 12/12 for about a week with my orange cookies Mac and they all look the same. No way there’s 5 females…. Never done regs before. Don’t want to blow it. 220 dollar pack… of regs…
Just wait and give it time. Hopefully you’ll be able to recognize males, but you’ll have plenty of time til they bust their loads. If they are all males, just keep the best looking one. :weed:
Is there plenty of time to sex regs before they blow pollen? I’ve been on 12/12 for about a week with my orange cookies Mac and they all look the same. No way there’s 5 females…. Never done regs before. Don’t want to blow it. 220 dollar pack… of regs…
You will see the balls way before they open man, you should also probably be able to identify the preflowers after a week of 12 12. If not now within the next couple days
Today I saw an absolutely amazing sunset mac. The look, the smell... top level. For those of you that have one... good job.
Anyone have any heavy leaning MAC phenos in veg pics? Does Mac grow quite nice long tall branches? Two of three female orange cookies Mac are tall and branchy. The third one is very short but also branchy.
Anyone have any heavy leaning MAC phenos in veg pics? Does Mac grow quite nice long tall branches? Two of three female orange cookies Mac are tall and branchy. The third one is very short but also branchy.
MAC1 still I veg. Alien genetics are a little oddball at times, can resemble a struggling plant from most strains. The leaves don't prey, they arch I out and curl on the ends similiar to 'taco-ing' from light stress. Your short pheno is likely more MAC leaning than your tall ones.
I now have a "Sunset Mac" that looks just like those ones above in veg as well. As for branching, the Sunset Mac takes longer than average for the branches to start developing nicely. I got it as a cutting so I can't comment on how a seedling might branch. As Cannaclysmic wrote, they are unusual plants.
Mac1 is a very strange plant. Slow veg, tight nodes, mutant leaves. What gets me is how it can flower in sections. I have never seen any other plant do this in veg. If I have a dozen packed semi close in the veg room, the lowers that don't get much light will start their photo flower while the tops remain in a vegetative state under 24 hours of light.
Mac1 is a very strange plant. Slow veg, tight nodes, mutant leaves. What gets me is how it can flower in sections. I have never seen any other plant do this in veg. If I have a dozen packed semi close in the veg room, the lowers that don't get much light will start their photo flower while the tops remain in a vegetative state under 24 hours of light.
Every seed I ran from the original drop had these same traits. The males were worse. I only ran a few seeds and never went back to them.
2/3 females out the pack were killed/culled. im on third one which "looks" promising but that means absolutely nothing with this unfortunately LOL. All the shit looks bonkers, but tastes like plastic pasta.

I may know of a source for a Lolab Valley landrace that absolutely wreaks of lemon and citrus and real good about imprinting that trait in anything it hits, I bet it would polute that thang. Maybe you have the tabula rasa of weed! Wouldn't that be fun?!