Carbo/Amino Loaders is it hype or does it work?


New Member
So I currently have 2 grows a soil and dwc.

SOIL grow has:

1 bag ff ocean forest
1 bag ff planting mix
1 bag ff light warrior
1/4 bag ff big and chunky perlite

All of it was mixed in a pool to ensure no hot spots were created.


Using fox farms nute line up according to there schedule. Not using there 3 opts though.

I would like to purchase Liquid karma and possible this Sweet product a Carb/Amino loader?

Is it hype or does it work and these so called flavors.. berry, citrus, and grape.. does it alter taste or smell?

I hate to wast my money.. I am quite confident that liquid karma woould do me justing in my dwc grow and soil. Any input?


well part of this is imo and part of this is factual...ok carbo boosters are nothing more than black strap molasses you can get it at most healthy food stores for about eight dollars use a table spoon per gallon..i always pre mix it in a gallon of warm water to make sure it is good and dissolved use half strength to prevent clogging or use full strength and add some sm-90..keep in mind that black strap molasses is a type not a has nice minerals and a low sugar content it natural acts as a catalyst"carbo booster" now as for anything that makes your herb have a flavor that the plant could not do with out some chemical tasting fake fruit stuff well it just makes you wonder what the hell will you be blazing? well i hope some of this helps you out a bit.. and if it makes you feel any better many many people use molasses with wonderful results some only use during flower i use it the whole time and my nodes are tight,my profile pic shows my nodes..


New Member
k well doesnt liquid karma have blackstrap molasses... someone was telling me not to use molasses....

do you spray the mix on the plants or did u add to dwc? I assume if you spray on plants its better to do before lights turn off right"?