Carbon filter- hood - hood - fan- exaust?


Well-Known Member
It hot does it get in your area????is your room sealed???I see that you have an intake from outside with no fan the only way it will bring in adequate air that way is if your room is sealed...that way a vacuum is created by the your fan sucking out air.........


yeah i was thinking of using pvc plastic and sealing the room, the intake would have a little 4' puck fan. and the carbon filter is at the end of the exhaust.


Well-Known Member
Is it hot in your area???I know it is where I am at so I use a/c during summer and I cool my hoods with air from the outside.........2 1000 watt lights get pretty hot that is why I keep asking how hot it gets in your might have to invest in a/c......and run lights at night.......


it gets pretty hot here. it would look strange to have a window ac on my back sheds window. could i just throw a portable ac in there? and theyr going to be vegging 24/7 for at least a month probably.


Well-Known Member
Why???? I have an a/c in my back shed....I do work in there and it gets hot......but if you dont feel comfortable with that a portable a/c with an exhaust duct will work fine just cost a little more than a window a/c......if you are going to run a/c then your gonna have to cool your hoods with air from out this outside------->ducting------>cool hood 1------> ducting--------> cool hood 2-------- ducting---------->inline fan------->ducting------->outside like that you wont suck out all your cold's not going to be cheap you need another fan for your carbon can simply have the fan and filter recirculate air with in for odor.......are you gonna veg with the 1000's???That is going to be pricey on the electric bill....ever considered using fluorescent lights like cfl or what I prefer t8's........and you can veg in a separate area....that way you can have a perpetual harvest every 60+ days instead of every 90+ days....


Active Member
Ive run about the same setup, with a passive intake. I put my filter before the light, company told me it operates better if you pull thru it. Besides, since that, I havent had to clean my damn hood hardly at all. With a 600cf room and a 560cfm fan, Heat is NOT an issue. Nor is smell. Whats most important, is whats your INCOMING air temp gna be? If its 95deg outside, of course its gna get hot. I draw from a cool basement, NOT from outside.

Im getting another fan, so I can run the setup jcdws602 is referring too. Hope I can vent light and room seperately. Thatll give me more control over temps and odor, and leave me a backup should one fail. My current setup if great for the grower who cant buy it all at once tho... Alls I can say is buy bigger than you think you need. and happy growing


im very space limited, il have 36 sq ft the sheds 12x12 but i need to section off the grow area so the light doesn't shine when i go in there at night. well i diddnt want to grow during thw winter, wich is pretty much,a harvest away, because I think my neighbor will notice that my shed is the only roof with no snow on it.


I would set it up just as you have it drawn up. Having your fan suck air through the filter is more effcient the trying to push through it as suggested. It is easier on the fan to create the vacuum than have it force air through the filter and it also makes better use of the filters surface area.
Two things
The fan cant get the air any cooler than the intake air that coming in from outside so your temps will get hot if the outside air is hot with out any a/c cooling. If you have a tent set up or a grow room within a your shed dont draw air directly from outside. Draw it from lowest point of your tent (or the grow room) and let the temp stablize a little inside the shed area before it goes directly in your tent. If your using the whole shed as your grow room than i guess you have no other choice.
Second, make sure your intake from outside has some sort of filter to keep the bugs from coming in. This is often overlooked



Well-Known Member
LOL.....about the I cant wait for winter,'s the best time to grow indoors.......I dont have to battle the heat and most of the bugs are gone......any questions you have feel free to private message me.......glad to help with what I can......


Well-Known Member
I would set it up just as you have it drawn up. Having your fan suck air through the filter is more effcient the trying to push through it as suggested. It is easier on the fan to create the vacuum than have it force air through the filter and it also makes better use of the filters surface area.
Two things
The fan cant get the air any cooler than the intake air that coming in from outside so your temps will get hot if the outside air is hot with out any a/c cooling. If you have a tent set up or a grow room within a your shed dont draw air directly from outside. Draw it from lowest point of your tent (or the grow room) and let the temp stablize a little inside the shed area before it goes directly in your tent. If your using the whole shed as your grow room than i guess you have no other choice.
Second, make sure your intake from outside has some sort of filter to keep the bugs from coming in. This is often overlooked

I never suggested blowing air through the filter......


Well-Known Member
Why???? I have an a/c in my back shed....I do work in there and it gets hot......but if you dont feel comfortable with that a portable a/c with an exhaust duct will work fine just cost a little more than a window a/c......if you are going to run a/c then your gonna have to cool your hoods with air from out this outside------->ducting------>cool hood 1------> ducting--------> cool hood 2-------- ducting---------->inline fan------->ducting------->outside like that you wont suck out all your cold's not going to be cheap you need another fan for your carbon can simply have the fan and filter recirculate air with in for odor.......are you gonna veg with the 1000's???That is going to be pricey on the electric bill....ever considered using fluorescent lights like cfl or what I prefer t8's........and you can veg in a separate area....that way you can have a perpetual harvest every 60+ days instead of every 90+ days....

this is very much the hard way and expensive, you dont need all the fans. if his rooms sealed and he sets it up exactly the way he drew it up in the op then hes fine, thats all he needs minus the puck fan (whatever that is). im running the exact setup in a 4x8x7 tent. make the room sealed and cut a hole in the bottom on each wall for a passive intake. your tent should stay around 8 degrees warmer then the room its in.


Well-Known Member
this is very much the hard way and expensive, you dont need all the fans. if his rooms sealed and he sets it up exactly the way he drew it up in the op then hes fine, thats all he needs minus the puck fan (whatever that is). im running the exact setup in a 4x8x7 tent. make the room sealed and cut a hole in the bottom on each wall for a passive intake. your tent should stay around 8 degrees warmer then the room its in.
Yeah it is the expensive but an effective way none the less......if it is cool in your area then setting up as he suggested would work fine that is why I asked the op if it gets hot where he lives repeatedly......I have tried every single way you can imagine setting up exhaust set up.....the method I suggested works best by far............if you live in a hot area


can I just install a window ac for dealing with the heat, and yeah it will probably go up to 90s


Active Member
OK..I am gonna buy another fan just for my light. Whats the least expensive fan that will cool a 1000 watt hood? I already spent a bunch on the 720 cfm fan I will use for air scrubber and air intake.

Thanks...good thread. Ive been battling heat for days.


Well-Known Member
OK..I am gonna buy another fan just for my light. Whats the least expensive fan that will cool a 1000 watt hood? I already spent a bunch on the 720 cfm fan I will use for air scrubber and air intake.

Thanks...good thread. Ive been battling heat for days.
I use a 270 cfm inline to cool a 1000 watt and a 400 watt light.........