Carbon Filter still smelly?


Well-Known Member
Ive been using my 6"x16" scrubber for like 3 months now and I was outside by the vent today and could smell my grow. I mean I had to stick my nose by the vent to smell it but there is a hint of mj. Is this normal for filters or did I buy a crappy one? It came in a sealed bag so I dont think the carbon is wore out. Might have to do an ozone generator in the duct as well if this is a common problem.


Well-Known Member
You either had a cheap filter, or you have high humidity. Humid air drastically shortens life of filter.
I've been running the same filter for 8 mths non-stop and no smell what so ever.


Well-Known Member
I used an ozone generator for a while. I also tried running in the duct. Found it was better if I used a tote to put the gen in and exhausted from there.


Well-Known Member
That ozone will wreck your blower over time. put it after blower. That shit will make stainless rust and will crack many elastomers.


Well-Known Member
Check your system for leaks and one other issue...I got into a big hassle with an ebay carbon seller. But there are two different types of charcoal. Water and air. so if you recharge your system...use air carbon. Water carbon is for aquariums and water purification.

unkle mouse

Active Member
I knew that one,, woo hoo,, do I get any points?,, lol, jk

Check your system for leaks and one other issue...I got into a big hassle with an ebay carbon seller. But there are two different types of charcoal. Water and air. so if you recharge your system...use air carbon. Water carbon is for aquariums and water purification.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
I learned my lesson buying cheap carbon filters from amazon. I still orderd from amazon but got a pheresh filter. Been using it for about a year and a half.


Well-Known Member
RH in my room is only 30% so I doubt thats it. I ordered it from ebay. I forget the brand but yeah i was trying to save a buck. I might just buy some quality replacement carbon and refill it. Ive heard to stay away from coconut shell carbon? that true?


Active Member
nice thread guys,

As I am about two weeks from my first harvest I have been noticing an obvious smell at the front of my house(terraced to make it worse) :oops::oops:

Only get whiff's now and again but its probably from the cheapo carbon filter i got from flea bay…..

Must look into upgrading for the next run…..


Well-Known Member
can anybody recommend some "refill" material or places to get it? I see tons on ebay but who knows the quality till you try to use it.


Well-Known Member
ive never known people to refill carbon filters really unless it was a DIY kind of deal. just pay the 120 bucks for a good filter lol. make sure your fan isnt not as strong as the filter the slower the air goes through the filter the better it gets filtered.


New Member
Is ur filter a scrubber (circulating air within the room) ? Or an inline filter venting the air out of the room(causing negative air pressure) so no smell leaves the grow area. If it's inline or scrubber for that fact the filter might be toast. Or you don't have a sealed room.


Well-Known Member
As someone pointed out check for leaks especially if you have a large passive intake area and maintain negative pressure. There is also such a thing a too thin plastic. I swear I can smell dankness through 3 mil plastic and have to use 6 mil.

If you go the diy route you can refresh and reuse the carbon by cooking it in a fire or on a bed of coals in a stainless kettle. Definitely have to use air phase carbon. Coconut shell works great and it is all over eBay. I think I paid about $3/pound.

The nice thing about diy is that you can customize the thickness of the carbon layer based on your fan and surface area. This can help with the electrical efficiency of cooling a large grow.