Carbon filter vs In-Line UV Ozone Generator

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Has anyone used the various sizes of In-Line UV Ozone Generator as their primary odor control? They are more expensive than carbon filters, but since carbon filters are mostly disposable I figure the cost of $50.00 for replacement UV lamps is cheaper than replacing a complete carbon filter.

My question is do they work at eliminating all odor? The 4inch duct model will take up to a 465 cfm fan and unlike carbon filters, will work with lower CFM fans. I calculate my space will need 230+ CFM to exchange all the air every 5 min.
All ozone will be vented away from the grow space so not to have issues that some say happen when there is too much ozone as it damages plants.



Active Member
carbon filters i would use and if you get a o3 use it on the exhaust so it can naturalize whats left

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Thanks all. I notice there is no mention of how long the bulbs should last.
Looks like a carbon filter it will be. I have a table top ozone generator I can hang over the exhaust vent that should take care of any left over stink.

Thank again everyone.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Following everyones advise, say hello to my little friend. Ebay combo.
6" tall boy filter with 6" 424 CFM fan. $195.95 (US) plus shipping.



Active Member
Carbon filters work a lot better when the room is sealed. Ozone generators also make your house smell like a thunder storm. Currently I have both and it works really well the house keeper cant even smell it anymore.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Carbon filters work a lot better when the room is sealed. Ozone generators also make your house smell like a thunder storm. Currently I have both and it works really well the house keeper cant even smell it anymore.
Yeppers! I am redoing my room. I have the ceiling and walls covered with painters plastic with the seams duct taped (White is not available in my area so I used clear and will put in reflective material around the spot the plants will be in). I am putting in the floor this weekend and it will be duct taped to the wall covering to make it air tight...Then I need to install a door and caulk it up air tight. With luck, if I get it right I want to see that plastic pull in a little to prove negative pressure.
I am also one of the few people who likes the smell of ozone (up to a point) so I'll have a small home ozone machine mounted over the exit vent for that extra little scrubbing.


Active Member
I forgot to mention before I had a generator, I went to walmart and got a $30 ionizer one that can clean air for pollen, dust, ect. worked wonders actually.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I loved the smell proofing results of my ozone generator. I just ran it. I bought a used one that was years old and the bulb stil worked and did a better job, as in I am still alive than my brand new titan. However I went thru two crops with what I thought was adequate exhaust treating what I thought was a mildly annoying cal mag def that in organic soil I was having trouble getting rid of. I did not think it was ozone because I let a plant sit right next to the oxone generator and it got burned bad. So anyway twice for harvest I got like an ounce each from seven gallons of soil! Under a 600 watt! I then realised that it was in fact the ozone when one day I lit a match in the grow room and I noticed the flame blowing the opposite way. Some weird draft was yanking the air the other way! So I ditched the ozone and went back to my old cahrcoal filter which I swear was not working before and it worked! I was just parannoid. Lol. So now it is all charcoal for me and my plants are in hydro and totally healthy.

So if I was exhausting with an elbow straight into an attic or straight outside then an inline would be cool, but charcoal works and is much more healthy. I think for all med growers exvept the big guys charcoal should be the only choice, not to preach but I bet most of us are as stoned as I was to think up my soltions. :)

mr. mad max

Active Member
i dont know much about either but i can tell you if you live in a apartment you might have some problems with the carbon filters noise level i just reached the first month of 12/12 and am very paranoid about turning on the fan thinking the neighbors will hear it running especially at night so keep in mind if you are somewhere where noise will be a problem keep carbon filter fans are pretty loud if anyone has any suggestions about how to keep the noise of the fan down please do speak up i know im not alone with this problem


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about either but i can tell you if you live in a apartment you might have some problems with the carbon filters noise level i just reached the first month of 12/12 and am very paranoid about turning on the fan thinking the neighbors will hear it running especially at night so keep in mind if you are somewhere where noise will be a problem keep carbon filter fans are pretty loud if anyone has any suggestions about how to keep the noise of the fan down please do speak up i know im not alone with this problem

Build a box around the fan.. made of wood/styrofoam.. wood with styrofoam layers would be good.. I use a card board box on mine.. works better then nothing.. I went the cheap route obviously...

I think you'll find a picture of the box hanging off the wall in one of my journal pictures.. 2nd or 3rd page i think..

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I wrapped mine in noise dampening thermal blackout curtains that retail at jcpenney for 18 dollars. Works like a charm. I also use a router speed control that I got at harbor freight for 15 bucks, same as the one at HTG. I also use those curtains on my windows in the room.
Carbon Filter all the way. Not good to put a Ozone Generator in the grow room anywhere near your plants. I found out the hard way that it pretty much destroys the leaves over time, the symptoms of the ozone damage on the fan leaves will lead you to believe at first that is a cal/mag deficiency, which will lead you astray as to the true cause for quite awhile, causing even further damage. It's also not doing you any favors when you go in there and breath it in either.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
lol, I had the funkiest most bizarre dreams after I inhaled too much oxone. I also got the worst throat sickness. I sound lile an idiot and I pretty much was. Lol. I am thru, ocassionally I lock up my apt and leave for a little with the ozone on too clean out all cigarette smoke. Also that light is annoying. It has its place but not in the "closet" garden.


Well-Known Member
Im using a filter and a ozone. I started out with the same filter combo you got but after four months its worthless. So I figure the same as you its cheeper to replace a 50 dollar bulb once a year than a 100 dollar filter every four to six months. It works great together. I took the cover off my gen so it would get better air flow around the bulb. The thing about ozone is you need alot of duct work after your gen so the O3 has time to absorb the odor and break off and return to O2.

Kinda off subject but TEAtree you brought up the bulb...
I have a question for you guys. Since the light is on and I can see it shining thru my duct work, what do you think would happen if I put it in my cooltube?? I hear that uv lights, like reptile lights, promote trichome production. And even if it doesnt do a whole lot wouldnt it be more like natural sun light? Just something Ive been thinking about. Any thoughts?