Carbon filter?


Well-Known Member
Will coco fiber of over 4lbs fight 3 diesel plants smell and there growing in a cab?
I don't want my room to stink am i set?


Well-Known Member
Id invest in a gallon of ona gel. I wasted allot of money on carbon fitlers, ionizers, clay media, etc etc etc


Well-Known Member
Bro if you do your research that shit can be used for a vareity of things and cleaning the air is one of them.
Nevermind i think am set peace...
Lol nah bro if YOU do research you would realize that you are thinking of activated carbon, not coco fiber. Coco fiber is a soil-less growing medium. Don't tell me to do research when you are on here asking a question. I know what I am doing and I have never once heard of coco fiber being used to filter the air. Now once you realize that you replied to me with an unneeded attitude apologize and admit you were wrong


Well-Known Member
Lol nah bro if YOU do research you would realize that you are thinking of activated carbon, not coco fiber.
Thats what am talking about, a activated coconut fiber carbon filter... anyways my bro says am good...


Well-Known Member
No no no no no. It is just an activated carbon filter. It has nothing to do with coco fiber. There is no coco in that filter, just carbon


Well-Known Member
No no no no no. It is just an activated carbon filter. It has nothing to do with coco fiber. There is no coco in that filter, just carbon

Shit i am confused but i bought the filter from sunlight sheds as i am using their cabs but i guess am confused because it says that on their websight. it's also my first time cultivating the herb so am uneducated with all the equipment shit...


Active Member
just a note to this thread. i own and maintain saltwater aquariums and if you dig a little farther you will find that carbon is made from coconuts so its very possible to use it in many forms. just how its processed.