Carbon Filters?


Well-Known Member
Iv been looking at builiding a carbon filter but i dont know how big of a filter i will need i have a spare room with a 1000w mh for veg and hps and i have about 30 plants. If anyone can tell me how big a filter i would need for that or any other good ways to elimnate the odors money isnt a big issue but i dont want to spend alot of money cheap is nice to. Only serious post please i will add pictures of the one i chose to build but im not going to spend alot of time building a thread if noone is going to be interested! thank you :joint:

Well-Known Member
get a 8 inch inline fan, mesh the top on fan that blows out, get large canaster heavy duty filter, fill with activaded carbon, attach then boom a great DYI one for around 100$


Well-Known Member
randy rocket im goin with that coffee can one they are so cheap i might put two in would i be abel to bud more plants if i had two? that was exactly what i was lookin for