carbon fitler helpp??


Active Member
i'm on a budget so haven't got enough money for a carbon fitler,
i have:

a cardboard box
2 pc fans intake
2 pc fans outake
a propagator for germination
and 125w cfl 6500k (goin to attempt and grow from seed to flower)

is there a way to make your own carbon fitler if there is please help and leave instructions, peace


Active Member
You are still going to need to buy the activated carbon -- which is about $6 at a fish supply shop. (Un;ess you have some charcoal around). You can find directions for making them all over this forum and at -- I found a $15 carbon filter that plugs into the wall. Its not the best but it works for now, its called "trueair" and i found it in the home improvement section (near the electrical timers actually) at walmart.