carbonated water for c02?

I have a basic indoor soil grow going. 6 plants under 400wt hps. Its my first grow but I know I definitely wanna be all organic for all my grows and had heard spraying carbonated water on the foliage gives them a boost of c02. Is this true? Has anyone else heard of this?


Well-Known Member
Dude, you would need an ASS Load of carbonated water for it to do anything.

Better to just mix yeast and sugar water together or make a vinegar baking soda drip.
Really? I havnt gotten that sophisticated YET likei said this is my first grow but is that better than sprayin the leaves? U ggrow in soil?


Active Member
you can do that man..just stay away from anything with sodium...seltzered water works the best..
sparkling water..
clubsoda as not favored,but as long as its the sodium free works..and a lil co2 is better than none right!!?
I use it all the time,and in my humidifer..never had a problem..and for us poor folk that cant afford a co2 tank,it works..
good luck with the grow.keep me posted..


Well-Known Member
How much yeast to how much sugar and water? And your talkin sprayin the leaves right?
NO, don't spray the leaves with it.

It's sooooo easy to do. Just get an empty clean milk jug and fill 1/2 with water and dissolve a cup of sugar in it. Then add a pack of yeast and punch holes in the top.

The yeast eats the sugar and puts off Co2 (and alcohol actually).

Make sure there are holes because it can create so much pressure that it will burst the jug if the top is on. :)


Active Member
dude.. I would use dry ice instead of carbonated can get it at the local grocery store...just put some in a bucket near the plants during lights on and have a fan blowing the evaporating co2 towards the plants. It works better than carbonated cheaper and you don't have to keep spraying ...