Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
hey thanks i am really greatfull to hear that
i dont really paint a hole lot i like to draw though
so when i did this one cuase i dont paint alot i was like hey that aint that bad
though it came out ok
hey and te leafs last night lifted up more
last night i shut the lights off i was keeping them on all the time but i sad hey let me shut them off and see what happens cuase ive been reading alot
and when i woke they were not droping as much and looking alot better
now this could be from either the light off or its finally recovering from the transplant
from the other day.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, back to the topic...

I was very proud of my well LST'd plants... but this video got me thinking... anyways im not at all experienced in training... and i had to fuck up for the first time....

Anyways, i didnt bend the stems anywhere i just tied the top down... so, my plant went somewhat horizontal... as in, because of the pressure i was applying on the plant, without actually bending it... Here, i'll make it more clear... i have painted a somwhat hypothetical diagram of the plant, before training and some days after training...
I dunno, im gonna transplant tomorrow and i opened the know on the plants to help them recover, im gonna train em properly once i have em on biig pots... till then i'll learn more about training...
The distribution of the branches were not at all even and form what i felt, the Large fan leaves were completely covering some of the vbranches... also, some of the brancheswere touching the dirt... there was no airflow in thebottom of the plants, whatsoever..

I know i suk at drawing, but i hope i was able to convey my thoughts....

Now i wanted some help about snipping fan leaves.... i dnt like snipping anything but if its helpful, i dont mind...but i want to avoid unnecessary stress to the plants...

I have opend the knots i made with the wire of all the will it become as good as new??...

Also, i found that some of the branches were stretching in search of i keep on changing the position of the pot inside the cabinet... should i stop doing that??

Any good suggestion appreciated. :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck, i got to see some more vids and pics.... shit i was gonna be fucking messed up man :p

So, anyways, heres what i basically plan to do....

I make the plants as good as new...u know, standing straight... then i transplant..after like a week, i start the training....and i train properly this time... :)
How does that sound??.. Comments?


Well-Known Member
Okay, that LST thread... it says the guy snips the fan leaf as soon as he gets a branch to it... and thats what i wanted to know...

Now, i have many fan leaves... should i snip all of them together??? See, because basically i want my plant to be neat and evenly distributed. If i can snip the fan leaves, I have no issues about the current training of my plant... and that reminds me, i need to check my plants :p



Well-Known Member
Update : I cut all the fan leaves and evenly distributed the branches.... its looking BEAUTIFUL man... i wish i cud get the pics... :(

Pics later, tonight, surely! :)

So, problem solved :D


Well-Known Member
i know someone said before they didnt cut all the leafs
they said they cut one leaf and left the other ones
would that work


Well-Known Member
i know someone said before they didnt cut all the leafs
they said they cut one leaf and left the other ones
would that work
How will that help?
I dunno man, i was totally against cutting of anything, but yeah, it does look very neat after the trim...

Basically, if ur cutting anything, ur stressing the plant like shit... i didnt want to stress the plants in installments so i cut most of the leaves... now its time for it to recover..... i wont disturb it till another 4-5 days i think...
Till then, im gonna hunt for perlite... get some good worm castings...a good soil.. make my soil and then transplant :)
Sounds good?