cardboard grow box


i built this last weekend from stuff laying around the house (so it was free)

its lined with aluminum foil dull side up and the 2 pots are 2 liter bottles cut in half and covered in foil to prevent algae growth

the diameters are 17.5in high 12in wide 9.5in deep (not including reflector)

any thoughts or opinions?

also a question. with the box being so small would a 50w cfl be enough for 2 plants?

(dont have money for soil yet)



Well-Known Member
everyone is going to say remove the foil it creates hot spots. You may wish to get some emergency blankets from walmart camping section.


Well-Known Member
That light may only be ok for 1 and prob still not enough for that. To be honest you have a fire waiting to happen. You need to do some more research. The foil will cause hot spots and the reflectivity is shit. (White paint is better. Cardboard highly flammable. No ventalation? You would cook your plant anyway.


iv read the dull side doesnt create hot spots only the reflective side does...
also theres a ...small pc fan on the side


Well-Known Member
It still will create hot spots and isn't reflective get small pot White paint and use that. Also build one out of wood to save you from burning your house down.


Well-Known Member
just buy a smoke detector. u shud grow in this, it'll b a gud xperiment. i wana grow in cardboard nxt year so it'll b gud if u try it as i can learn from u lol


Yea I would really recommend you not grow in a cardboard box has already been said the fire risk is just too great. And a smoke detector changes nothing...yes, you wont die, but it will still burn down the house. And you're not even there half the time so smoke detector changes nothing. And again, the aluminium foil is mediocre at best. It doesnt cost much to make a small wooden grow box...or even simpler, convert a bed side table. My advice is if you cant afford to take the proper precautions then you cant afford to grow. Its just not worth the risk, esp not in a grow with only a 50w CFL...will get next to nothin anyways. Im currently growin with 128watts on One plant, am planning on gettin 20-40watts more.

Hate to rain on your parade mate but just callin it as i see it. I understand how exciting it can be when you're gettin ready to grow...but for your own sake, take a lil time to save or whatever and come up with a half decent set up.

Thats my 2c. Best of luck whatever route you take.

DoctorMap :leaf:


Active Member
pls dont use cardboard to make a grow box you'll burn down your parents house... you need to research more

lights should be no where near anything flammable


Active Member
it is good advice not to use cardboard or aluminum foil BUT you can only use what u got and if that is what u got i say go for it i mean after all we are all after the same thing ....BUD... and if that is how u can get then by all means grow that motherfucker in there and smoke it up then laugh at those who said u cant grow with cardboard and aluminum foil :):):):):):):):)):):):):):):):):):):):):)


Well-Known Member
Never said he couldn't do it as Im sure if I had a huge box I could but problem is you wont be able to keep any humidity up in there as cardboard would soak up the moisture and its a huge fire hazard.


Active Member
o i meant no disrespect dj i was just saying that they have alot of people on here that would just try to shut hit down by calling him dumb and saying that it will never work but the truth is that it would work (to some extent) and that he should try it if that is the only thing he has ;);););0:)


Well-Known Member
cardboard box no good bro fire hazard like everyone said before. come check my plant out its only under 4 cfls and isnt even in a "growbox" (yes u heard me right lol ) 22 inches tall and flowering white hairs everywhere . i did use some tinfoil like u the non-shiny side and its working fine


Well-Known Member
By all means if he wants to go ahead with it I know he will and like you say he will get something but im just trying to keep a brother safe instead of coming home and seeing a fire where his house used to be lol. I had same worries when first put my 400w hps into my closet... damn everytime I got home I run in my room to check for a fire haha laughable now I think of it but better safe the sorry in my book.


Youre gonna spend all this time and effort anyways so do it right. Read all the stckies in the noobie form. I learned it all there. I
about to finish my first grow and it's looking great. All the tools for you to succeed are here. Put in the time and your plants will reward you


Well-Known Member
why don't you cover all the insides with aluminium foil coz then there would be no fire since aluminium is a poor conductor of heat. Infact, have one aluminium covering and then overlay it with another for insurance and then you can get something more reflective and put it over the aluminium when you get more money.