Carport Greenhouse 2010


Well-Known Member
Man your outdoor grow is amazing!!What do you feed them and how big do you veg indoor before you put them to veg in May?Really nice man


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks, I'm getting around ok, it's just climbing the ladder that gets tough.

I would have to remove two large trees, where I have room for another greenhouse. Trust me there have been several conversations about how many 'other' trees we could grow, if we took them down. It will probably happen this winter (barring prop 19 passing). It wouldn't be worth it then. I donate a lot of my Med's but the price I ask for 'costs' has to be worth the time/effort, I could just grow small plants for myself.

These plants were started in Jan. I just put them out in May. I have been growing/tending/feeding these plants, every day, for 9 months.

I have put 9 months of work, and expenses, just to get them this far. So far I've suffered a 1/3 loss. And there's still a long way to go!



Well-Known Member
Bummer about your fall!

Back when we were taking about adding the horizontal screen, I wondered if a cat walk might work in your carport. I think maybe it would be worth adding...


Well-Known Member
Thanks VG, that's still not a bad idea

Sorry people, I didn't mean to get up on my soapbox about politics, my bad



Well-Known Member
No sir, this is your thread and as thus you are more than entitled to speak your mind on any local/global politics. I do agree with your views, though i am from the east coast, i feel like youre right about the ends not matching the means. I mean no harm but you are an aged fellow yourself after all, and being a generous soul can only take you so far. But trust in this young generation that the few who have the goal will see it through. Lifes rough but there are many of us who still aspire to the goal of growing enough medicine to benefit many a friend regardless of the financial gain. But beyond that Ill def be checking back on your '10 grow. Much love and luck. Peace be the journey


Well-Known Member
Thanks VG, that's still not a bad idea

Sorry people, I didn't mean to get up on my soapbox about politics, my bad

Don't apologize. I've been beating this drum for 35+ years. A frustrating ride.

Prop 19 sounds like an opportunity to arrest anyone with one large plant.

It sucks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks VG, that's still not a bad idea

Sorry people, I didn't mean to get up on my soapbox about politics, my bad

politic all you want man. I still dont get how people think more regulations and power to the govt is a good thing. did you see my sig? ;-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks pep's, I was just trying to let everyone know, that it's guy's like me, that this law is directed against.
It's designed to put me out of business, & give it to Corp interests.
I would rather see you or your neighbor grow it, than some Corp in a 10,000sqft whse in Oakland!



Well-Known Member
Thanks pep's, I was just trying to let everyone know, that it's guy's like me, that this law is directed against.
It's designed to put me out of business, & give it to Corp interests.
I would rather see you or your neighbor grow it, than some Corp in a 10,000sqft whse in Oakland!

We're on the same page, my friend! Scream it from the house tops. Call radio stations. Have you noticed no one is defending this proposition? Follow the money. Prop 19 is greed at work.


Well-Known Member
I have read over the proposition, and personally wont vote for it just because of the (ridiculous) 25 square feet requirement.

Will 19 change anything for medical patients?


Well-Known Member
I read nothing changes for Medical users..Im still voting no.The CO of churches is backing it now...thats another 1.5 million votes