Case of the spots and (wrong?) treatment

Hello all,

Long time reader of posts, first time poster. Thanks in advance!

Northern Lights Auto, its generally a healthy and happy plant but last week I noticed small white dots appearing on some of the lower leaves (2 original pictures below). Newer growth at that time did have a few minor spots, but it was mainly a few of the old school 3-fans who were hit hard. I did some digging online and the closest thing that I could find (here and on other sites) to what I saw were spider mites, but I wasn’t sure. I went to a local grow shop a few days ago and showed pictures and they prescribed an organic Neem oil pesticide (‘Insect-Ex’ by

I sprayed as directed after sunset and things looked about the same the next morning. But when I checked the plant that next evening the previously affected leaves looked to have been burned badly (?) (picture below). They seem to have gotten worse since then, picture is from this morning.

It’s funny because the rest of the plant just keeps on keeping on, new growth looks fine but these leaves look to be sick and sad.

Any ideas?

Should I...
  1. Let it go, don’t do anything
  2. Cut the affected leaves off and then don’t do anything else
  3. Continue the treatments (spray again 5-7 days after first spray) but leave the sick leaves on the plant
  4. Cut the affected leaves and continue the treatments

Some other info:
- Outdoors, on a windowsill
- At the moment 2 or 2.5 liters every 2-3 days
- Soil, fabric pot, light mix, with organic slow release fertilizer (I went with a minimal dose 25% of what was recommended given its an auto)
- Day 28
- Leo

Many thanks!

Thanks a lot SheeeshM. Yeah the end result does look very much like that. But is it common for them to begin with the spots only? Or perhaps I had a combination of vermin.

So practically it sounds like I should
- Cut the affected leaves and continue the treatments

Thanks a lot SheeeshM. Yeah the end result does look very much like that. But is it common for them to begin with the spots only? Or perhaps I had a combination of vermin.

So practically it sounds like I should
- Cut the affected leaves and continue the treatments

Yes it is normal to begin with the spots. Thats the eggs being laid into the leaves. As the outbreak advances in its life stage bigger holes appear in the leaves and those trails are left by the larvae.

Continue your neem treatments or use spinosad for a stronger option. Your plant looks quite small so be careful removing too many fans.