Cat and Peach's 2K grow (Green Crack/GDP)

Your welcome. That just happened to catch my eye thought it was so cool, then when I was putting the pic through "GIMP" I thought to look for more and almost immediately spotted the Mallard Duck. Is it just me (feel funny - like I need confirmation, I guess) or do you see the Gargoyle (or Dragon, or demon, or dinosaur) and the mallard?

We got a catfish Legend around hear at a lake. On the topo map is 80' deep but in actuality the true Depth of it is unknown. I'm not sure if the word spring would be correct....Artesian "cave" I think would be more the many had hooked into this thing and had a short fight where the fish actually was felt, then it stopped and that was was like it was anchored to stone. So finally a scuba diver was sent down to check the anchor point, which turned out to be a submerged tree the fish would smiw to, to wait it out. Scuba guy apparently gets real close to the thing before (couple of feet or so) before he see a mouth that could swallow him head - or - feet first...
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Yup, you enjoy that fruit, now!
Got a sample nug in the bowl as we speak ;)

tasty and highly effective!

I'll take one with ya...Bit of Blue Dream (like 99% sure it is) but yeah I stash/lost it in FEBRUARY rofllmfao!! Cheers! Yeah this stuff resembles this remark a LOT too much for me certain Indicas can really throw my ADD into warp drive not to mention fighting the high enough to funtion....I'm such a lightweight!

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I'll take one with ya...Bit of Blue Dream (like 99% sure it is) but yeah I stash/lost it in FEBRUARY rofllmfao!! Cheers! Yeah this stuff resembles this remark a LOT too much for me certain Indicas can really throw my ADD into warp drive not to mention fighting the high enough to funtion....I'm such a lightweight!

View attachment 3710469
Shewy man, this stuff is great, had to take a

I got you on that only for me it's sativas. They have to be the right balance or I just get angry, NOT the general I idea I have in mind when I indulge. Blue dream is the bomb, love that stuff.
well hot damn!!!

I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted, guess I need to give you guys an update!! We let the other plant go until a couple of nights ago when we finally started harvesting. I'll post some pics in a bit but I can go ahead and tell ya, it's a lot more than the first! The branches are so heavy that my arms get tired fast from holding and trimming :D

I'll post an update in a little while!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOwwwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! can't wait!
you should check in with my current grow, things are really getting interesting.....And going by you guys and highlowgrow's examples, I am an LSTing, and Leaf tucking SCH #2 Is just gonna be a monster I believe
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOwwwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! can't wait!
you should check in with my current grow, things are really getting interesting.....And going by you guys and highlowgrow's examples, I am an LSTing, and Leaf tucking SCH #2 Is just gonna be a monster I believe
I'll be sure to do that! Thanks for watching our grow! :)
looking forward to it, hope you and cat are well. i go to the doctor tuesday morning over my shoulder. my doctor thinks i got the rotor cuff.
We're holding our own, sorry to hear about that brother! Sending good karma your way, hope the doc gets you fixed up :)
I'll be sure to do that! Thanks for watching our grow! :)

Shoot, glad I found aproblem with one of my girls just posted in the Plant problems section, and I am not sure at all about what the first responder has posted, if ya can, can you pop over and have a look, I'm stumped more now than when I put it up...if so I would be ever greatful. This is only my second grow and has already gone well beyond my first measly attempt and don't want things to go sounth here, if at all possible. Its here If ya care to have a look: