Well-Known Member
peach i don't know what yall are doing with the pics but i have been on the threat almost 10 mins and the pics are still downloading. nice looking hood, i don't have room for a cool tube or a hood in setup. .
It's a new camera, I need to reduce the size of the pics I guess. I'll fiddle with it and see what I can do, thanks for the heads uppeach i don't know what yall are doing with the pics but i have been on the threat almost 10 mins and the pics are still downloading. nice looking hood, i don't have room for a cool tube or a hood in setup. .
plants are looking real nice.
We have 6 inch baskets right now but bought the 8" lid baskets that snap onto 5 gal buckets this time around so it shouldn't be such a chore.after cropping drill a hole in the bottom side and install a drain peacock and hose so you can drain instead of dump. set it up on something so it is just a bit higher. i don't know what size baskets your using but for big plants i was told 6" basket screwed to the lid or the lids that fit my bucket but i was planning on 5-7 gallon buckets so the tops snapped shut.
we're not cleaning them till after harvest, then with some bleach water and a wire brush. Sorry I just saw your post, was sick as hell over the first part of the week. Look forward to talking to you this eve!what are yall using to clean your air disc? i know when this run of clones is done i'll be cleaning everything. i threw a bucket of clones cause i had slim in that bucket. so far not the other three but i'm making changes as well.
its okay brother, hope today is a better one for you. Just let me know when is good for you. I'm hear if you need a friendly earrosey i'm sorry i forgot to call yall. i have had a bad day and i'm not sure they are going to get better for awhile.
oh we all have a case of crs from time to timedamn it i did it again. shoot me a text after 1:00 your time. my old ass seems to have crs (can't remember shit) now what was we talking about? oh that one may be the bowl i'm smoking so i guess it's WAKE AND BAKE TIME for me then it's off to work i go. oh how high i go .
Cool. can I see?nice, i just took one that was different shades from green to purple with blue and lavender.
Looks tasty. About how many days are you looking at on the faster one? buddy calls his GC 'sweet kush'.
never heard of it. how is your grow going?Nice grow. Anyone ever heard of a strain named Frog Farts? Been trying like hell to locate tht one for a good while now. Just started 2 new ones myself on 4/20 one is Aliens All Jacked Up 2nd is that Dr. Grinspoon I was mentioning to you Rosey a month or so ago. Goin try to work on the Dr. G one being bc her flowering times are way,way to long. Hopefully I can shave a week or two off that figure.fingers crossed