Cat Ate Seedling

Hi everyone,

Just checked my tent and my cat took some chunks out of my seedling.
I am pretty sure it will recover (?) but I am more concerned if this will stress the plant enough where it will be a lesser quality product at the end.

Thank you!
He was topping them for you.............I got my tribe's cats up to my ass..........."Clive" got in one grow room and knocked a nearly finished chocolope plant ( 7 gallon smart pot) ass over teacup off bench........found it upside down,covered in dirt on concrete floor......don't get a monkey !
Is it an autoflower or photoperiod? Lame racist jokes aside (seriously people, it's 2021) it'll most likely recover just fine.
It's a photo and it recovered!
I am curious to feed my plant water from my daphnia cultures. That water is packed with bacteria
It really depends on where you live. We have a ton of wetlands and wildlife around our house. Our first cat matty was eaten by a fisher cat or coyote when she was only 3 years old. I wouldn't let them outside if we were next to a busy road either, I've seen a few dead ones that have been hit by cars. The two we have now are both indoors. Roger is part mainecoon and has long fluffy fur, he gets a ton of knots in his fur from just rolling around in the basement, couldn't imagine what it would like if he was outdoors, especially with all the plant burrs we get in the fall.View attachment 4944434

Eve is full grown and about the size of Roger when he was a kitten lol she is tiny. A hawk or owl would have no problem picking her up.View attachment 4944435
O.M.G she is ridiculously cute, she looks like a cherub.
Guard cats
They look like mirror images, even their posture is military cat. I was all fucked up one night and was walking down the street and all cats were just walking across ahead under the street light light. I swear every house that has house cats were also on their porches and in windows. Strangely they had closed off the street for some dumb town shit the next day so the street had the this weird look to it. I felt like I was in some old prohibition, 20s type movie where they were gonna come out with little cat tommy guns and fedoras and have a street fight. I was high, but not that high. I swear they were up to some weird cat thing. the cats were ruthless bandits roaming in and out of the alleys and porches. It was so weird. But I love cats. No doubt. I have 6.
Guess I should introduce the rest of my pack. Cant imagine a life without a house full
Meet Rebel,the newest member of our pack. She just celebrated her 2nd birthday
Also Shamus 's bud lol
Now meet Sweet pea, the old queen of the pack at 14 yrs old,as you can see this pack is tight lol
And the bed gets crowed lol
And finally I have to mention the late ,great, Muzzy. Miss you boy he was a good oneIMG_0570.jpg
They look like mirror images, even their posture is military cat. I was all fucked up one night and was walking down the street and all cats were just walking across ahead under the street light light. I swear every house that has house cats were also on their porches and in windows. Strangely they had closed off the street for some dumb town shit the next day so the street had the this weird look to it. I felt like I was in some old prohibition, 20s type movie where they were gonna come out with little cat tommy guns and fedoras and have a street fight. I was high, but not that high. I swear they were up to some weird cat thing. the cats were ruthless bandits roaming in and out of the alleys and porches. It was so weird. But I love cats. No doubt. I have 6.
The black one is the leader haha ..had to be a sketchy nightttt! Sure it wasn’t laced lmao
No. I just typed in mad kitty and I saw that. My cat would give you a dirty look if you sprayed him, but not like that.
That's awesome. I like the cat gifs
The black one is the leader haha ..had to be a sketchy nightttt! Sure it wasn’t laced lmao
Lol, my mind is a weird, weird place.

I have 6 cats, 3 black (Cassie, Stormy and Ollie), one cow (Moo), one tabby (Banana truck) and one gray, (Marshmallow the murderous) and a pug (Sophia)...and they are all weirdos.


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