Cat has been shitting in my 40 gal soil storage container


Active Member
Yes this seems funny but i heard scraping coming from the flowering room
i have a 40 gallon container in there just in case i need soil
in a large plastic bin
well i havent been home to clean out this cats box...
so hes been shitting in the soil... i can smell it but cant find anything

question is ... is it still safe to use?

i cud smell poop and piss but stirred it up and now i dont smell anything but soill

but ewwww

what an ahole

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
high levels of ammonia in cat urine , how much soil? was it full , you have a cover for this container now right ... do a test run on some bag seed and some of your cat litter soil


Active Member
it was about half full... yeh i know funny in a way... i locked his ass up... in his cage...

i sifted thru but i dont see anything... but i can smell it ... ohhh he pisses me off so much right now


Well-Known Member
Instead of locking the cat up in the cage, pick up on your own errors and cut off access to your grow. That way, you won't have to deal with scat in your soil ever again. You should toss that soil and get some new stuff, anyway. No telling how many turds and piss puddles ended up in there since you haven't been keeping track of the litter box. Just a few fresh ones will throw off your mixture and make it awful to use. Remember, cats bury there poop. It's ALL up in there now.


Active Member
I know how upset you are at your cat. But the kitty doesn't understand what happened or why it's locked up. I have. Cat and a dog my #1 rule is no pets in the grow room pets = pests when in comes to growing. They can bring bugs on them they can get fur all over your grow room and buds. And apparently they'll shit in your soil as well. Lesson learned right? Show your cat a lil love he didn't mean it.

Ps. I laughed so hard I peed a lil


Active Member
hahaha i let him out, and cleaned his shit box....

if u find that funny i will have to tell u a story abt kitty box at a party ... that i wasnt even invited to... a good story
after the gym..


Active Member
Hell yeah I wana hear that story.
I lived in a wealthy town for a while and my friends xmas office party was in my town, so he suggested i sneak into the party and drink free... so i did... and by the end of the night eveyrone had such a good time they decided to have an after hours party at one of the peoples houses... my friend couldnt go... so i went anyway... why not...

so they all decided to go and i kinda just went along... but yet no one knew who i was or even asked who i was... but i was dressed very different than everyone else.. they were dressed nice -- i was in a black t shirt and a peacoat... and jeans... and meanwhile i WASNT hanging with my friend, he LEFT becuase his wife wanted him home, so i was there -- myself...

so even tho MY town was rich this couple who invited the whole party back to thier house lived in some HUGE beautiful 1800s home looked like something out of Colonial Williamsburg...

anyway, i had quite a rep of drinkign huge amounts... but since i was alone - i decided to find a bathroom... but i couldnt find it... rather than risk getting caught at this persons house by talking to them (and them asking who i was), i just went to the basement... to look

and looked for a toilet... it was pitch black... i coudltn find one... so i saw a litter box and began giggling... and started to pee in it...

i thought hurry HURRY!!!!!!! not that anyone wud decide to go into the basement during a party....???

but i keppppppt peeing (it wouldnt end, felt like forever) it started to go ABOVE the litter and fill the box up with pure liquid... !!

finally i was almost done and at THAT moment the light went on and i was zipping up as the guy say "whhhaaaattt the helll??? r u doing???"

i said "i couldnt find a bathroom"

he pointed behind me and low and behold... there was a stand alone toilet... right there... so i quickly ran upstairs... before he cud say more... he was in shock... i doubt he even could grasp this situation...

and then i dissappeared into the large crowd outside (ppl smoking)... as i stood there i cud hear "the info" just creeping out from the woodwork... as i drank a beer

"i herd some guy, in a black jacket with big buttons was peeing in the cat box... i KNOW, bizarre! who was it? IDK.. no one recognized the guy..."

no one pointed me out... wait... im safe??? wow

haha i thot man i MUST be safe somehow i just got away with murder... after the party ended i saw my friend a month later

and he told me the guys whos party it was... brought it up after their work meeting wrapped up... recapping the xmas partry events...

the guy said to my friend... "some guy pissed in my cats box... during the party... and to this day the cat REFUSES use it... we had to buy another one..."

my friend was hysterically laffing, and no one knew it was I... who was the mad pisser...
